All about toothache Remedies that work (and those that do not) for toothache

Who else, who less, everyone has ever suffered in their own flesh the well-known toothache.
It is a pain can be very intense and can lead to the need for rest because of the impossibility of enduring it.
 Dental pain is what you often do with going to the dentist, and the tooth is already an advanced injury in most cases.
 It usually occurs when the nerve is already affected. The dental pain is controlled with either antibiotic or anti-inflammatory medication, and the treatment varies depending on the affectation of the tooth.

In Propdental we explain everything about the symptoms and treatment of toothache. This is a very useful information for you to understand everything about this common dental pathology. As well as it will also help you to know everything that will help you avoid the appearance of dental pain.
 If you have a dental pain, you should go to your dentist without delay to be examined and, if appropriate, treat him / her promptly. Oral and dental pathologies without treatment and with the passage of time always get worse.
What is toothache?
What are the causes of tooth pain?
Symptoms of toothache
Diagnosis of toothache
What type of pulpitis or inflammation of the nerve is there?
Toothache What to take to relieve it?
What is the treatment for toothache?
Frequently asked questions about how to deal with a toothache
The prevention of dental pain is the best treatment
What is toothache?
It is a constant pain whose intensity increases. It is one of the most acute and intense pains you can have. Cold drinks, hot foods, or chewing can increase pain.

If a tooth hurts you should go as soon as possible to your dentist to determine the cause and establish the appropriate treatment for your particular case.
The dentist treats the pain of the molars according to the cause. Sometimes the origin is in the tooth, but in other cases the pain comes from other reasons that have to be found in the dental clinic.
 Because patients take time to go to the dentist, when they come with pain, in many cases it is necessary to do a root canal to try to save the tooth.
In other cases, toothache can be caused by different reasons. So the dentist does an exploration of your mouth and an x-ray to see what may be causing you pain and what is the most effective treatment to fix it.
 What are the causes of tooth pain?
The traditional toothache is caused mainly by pulpitis, known as the inflammation of pulp tissue.
 The dental pain is due to the involvement of the nerve of the tooth, and the most frequent cause is an advanced dental caries.
 The carious lesion allows bacteria to enter the tooth until it reaches the nerve, where the bacterial infection occurs.

Pulpitis can also occur due to trauma or other reasons such as wear of parts or endoperiodental lesions, although these cases are rare.

When the pulp is inflamed it exerts a pressure on the nerve of the tooth and the tissues around it.

Being surrounded by dentine, the cavity of the pulp can not dissipate this pressure and that is when the increase in blood flow caused by inflammation produces pain.

This can be manifested as a so intense and widespread toothache that sometimes it is difficult to know which is the original piece of it.

The most common causes of toothache are:

Dental caries.
Fracture of the tooth, dental fissure or traumatisms.
Diseases of the gums such as gingivitis and periodontitis.
A dental or periodontal abscess.
Diseases of the mandibular joint.
Symptoms of toothache
Toothache is a medical condition around the face and it mainly appears due to the dental problem. It can be manifested by constant pain in both the jaw, head and ear. The irritation of the dental nerve by an infection is frequently the source of the pain.

As a general rule, toothache is due to inflammation of the pulp of the tooth. A condition known as pulpitis that can be reversible or irreversible. As a general rule, the dental pain will be more intense when eating or drinking, especially when in contact with cold or hot substances.

At this time it is necessary to treat this problem because otherwise the pulp of the tooth will become infected. The infection of the pulp will cause a very intense, sharp and continuous pain, leading later to the formation of an abscess in the area.

Finally we could name some of the main symptoms of toothache, such as:

Chewing pain,
Sensitivity to both cold and hot food,
Bleeding around the tooth or gum,
And the swelling of the area and of the entire jaw.

Diagnosis of toothache
When you suffer a constant toothache it means that there is a dental problem. And for that reason it is convenient to go to your dentist for a personalized diagnosis that allows knowing the cause of the problem.

Although many times you think you know what the tooth is causing you pain, the nerves of the teeth send erroneous messages to the brain. So only your dentist can find the true cause of dental pain.

Through a clinical examination complemented with dental radiography it is possible to detect pathologies such as caries, fractures or other problems that may be the cause of pain.

What type of pulpitis or inflammation of the nerve is there?
We find two possible stages of pulpitis: reversible and irreversible.

The first involves pain and transient sensitivity caused by heat, cold, touch and sweet foods.

Dentists diagnose a reversible state when the pulp is still alive and it is possible to eliminate the irritating agent. Generally, the treatment of this type of toothache consists in the elimination of the caries and the corresponding restoration with a composite filling, the pulp will be healthy again and the pain will stop.

On the other hand, we consider that pulpitis is irreversible when the pulp is damaged and can not be cured. The associated symptoms are a persistent pain after exposure to cold or heat, but also a spontaneous pain for no apparent and constant reason. In this case, the treatment will be through endodontics and you can reach the extraction of the tooth when necessary.

Toothache What to take to relieve it?
Toothache according to the cause can be relieved with analgesic medication. However, normally and if there is infection, the analgesic has an increasingly shorter duration and it is necessary to take an antibiotic.

Usually when there is infection, the antibiotic most frequently used for toothache is amoxicillin. And clindamycin or pantomycin in people who are allergic to penicillin.

In this sense, we want to insist that you should not self-medicate. To know what is the most appropriate medication you should take to relieve toothache in your particular case, you should go to your dentist.

What is the treatment for toothache?
The treatment will depend on the pathology of the tooth. That is to say, if the tooth presents a decay, the decayed dental tissue must be eliminated and a composite filling must be made. If the caries affects the nerve it is necessary to do an endodontics and later to restore the tooth with an incrustation or dental crown. And finally we must say that if the state of the wheel has no solution will proceed to extract the tooth in a process known as exodontia.

Special emphasis must be placed on the importance of treating an infection as quickly as possible. Since not only are we facing one of the most intense pains, but there is also the possibility that this infection may spread.

Frequently asked questions about how to deal with a toothache
One of the main concerns of the patients of Propdental is to know what are the causes of toothache and in this sense it must be said that the causes are very diverse and depend on several factors.

As we have already advanced previously, it is necessary to highlight the inflammation of the pulp as one of the most frequent causes in the appearance of this pain, being a situation that occurs if there is a dental caries.

In addition to this it must be said that toothache can also appear after some dental treatments as an example after a dental obturation since this intervention makes it possible to irritate the pulp.

Finally we finish this list of causes talking about a series of general conditions that can be the cause of the appearance of toothache being abscesses, ulcers or sinusitis.

Some of these examples as well as it should be noted that teething in babies or children can be another cause of toothache.

The most frequently asked questions that people with some type of dental pain usually have.

Toothache usually affects the nerve. The dental pain is controlled with medication and the treatment varies depending on the affectation of the tooth.
Very intense tooth pain

I went to the dentist for a small cavity, it did not hurt, the dentist told me that I had to do a root canal.
In the second consultation, before the reconstruction, my tooth began to hurt a lot.

I'm on antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and 10 mg diazepam. I have been like this for days and it does not improve. I do not know what to do.
Sometimes I have to reinforce all this with tramadol because the rest does not do anything to me. While the inflammation is increasing along with the pain.

What I can do?


It is not usual what happens to you because of it, my recommendation is that you go without delay to an endodontist so that he will value you correctly and if necessary, try.

Pain after extraction of molars

I extracted the third molars and today I have an intense pain accompanied by a bad taste in my mouth. At times, a liquid with a strong flavor oozes.

The analgesic that I am taking has an effect each time of less hours. I have already washed the area carefully, although apparently in the cavities it seems to be traces of trapped food.


Both the inflammation as well as the discomfort after a tooth extraction is normal and can be maximum between 24 and 72 hours. After this period of time, both processes should be sent with the passage of days. If not, you should go to your dentist to rule out an infectious process in the treated area.

Hygiene by brushing is very important and key to proper healing after dental extractions.

After 24 hours of the treatment, the treated area should be carefully brushed with a soft toothbrush after each meal to avoid the accumulation of food residues in it, which could originate or result in an infectious process.

In addition, you should not smoke if you have this habit, as this will lead to a significant delay in the healing process and an increase to suffer an infection.

My tooth broke and the antibiotic does not take effect

I consult because my tooth broke and they have not been able to remove it and I have an intense dental pain.

I'm taking antibiotic and anti-inflammatory but it does not work for me.

What else can I take to mitigate the pain?


This tooth should be removed quickly, or else the pain will not stop completely (it is not a matter of taking more or less medication).

Antibiotics begin to show their effect after 72 hours or three days from the start of administration.

Toothache due to infection that is constant and unbearable?

Since this morning I have a constant and unbearable toothache, it hurts me to swallow saliva.

I have a headache and with slight symptoms of fever to which I add that it hurts even to open my mouth.

And the part of the wheel leaves as a kind of liquid with a bitter taste.

I went to the dentist and told them to take an ibuprofen, but they told me that it is not convenient to take medication without a prescription.

I am taking antibiotics from the toothache and the pain continues. How many days are of medication?

Tomorrow I have a high school and I do not know what to do, if I go to the dentist, or if I have to pass a little.


You must follow the guidelines prescribed by your dentist. And as he has advised you, you should not self-medicate.

The antibiotic will start to take effect immediately and the discomfort should go down in a few days.

Then you must go to your dentist to treat the tooth, otherwise the pain will return.

A cordial greeting and we remain at your disposal.

Red ball behind the tooth and it hurts?

I have a little red ball behind the lower left side of the tooth and it hurts.

The pain is so much that I can not chew that side of anything.

I'm worried, it looks very red and I do not know what to do.


This little ball that you comment could be an abscess that is an exteriorization of an infectious process that will cause great discomfort or pain and inflammation.

You should go to your dentist as soon as possible to treat the infectious process and if possible try to save the tooth.

Can a tooth be extracted if I am in pain?

I started with a tooth pain and I would like to know if with this pain, the dentist can treat me.

Either extracting the tooth or making a filling.


You should go to your dentist as soon as possible.

Not only to establish the treatment you need to perform as well as to advise you what medication you should take to reduce pain.

It could be that the dental pain that you have is caused by a decay that has affected the dental nerve.

Should I get a tooth out if I have no pain at the moment?

My dentist did an x-ray for a toothache and says he should take it out.

At this time I have no pain and since I did not explain the reason for the extraction, I doubt this treatment.

What should I do?


A tooth should be removed when there is no possibility of treatment.

And in your particular case, if I advise your dentist, you should not delay in its extraction.

Although it does not hurt now either because you have taken medication. If you did not treat the source of the pain, the tooth will hurt again.

Some causes may indicate tooth extraction are:

Dental fracture up to the radicular level.

Sub-gingival caries that are impossible to fill.

Large infectious processes or cysts.

Cariada stone that began to hurt me to the ear?

I have a decayed tooth and recently my tooth started to hurt and then my right ear began to hurt. Is that normal or not?

I have tried to stop the pain with everything, ibuprofen, paracetamol and one that they gave me.

My question is if is the earache normal and why does it happen and what do you recommend to take?

The caries in your case in particular, has affected the dental nerve safely.

And this process has derived or originated an infection that is causing the earache.

This infectious process should be evaluated and treated promptly by your dentist, as it can seriously affect not only your dental and oral health, but also affect your general health.

You can not and should not delay your visit with your dentist.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

The medication is not a treatment in itself, but this is a tool that in any case will allow us to perform the treatment that is required.
Did I have to go for a puncture because the dental pain did not subside?

My tooth started to hurt and I went to the doctor and they sent me antibiotics and analgesics.

To the days I had to go to puncture me because the pain of teeth did not subside.

I've been on a fair week with the pills and sometimes I feel discomfort, it's not pain, but it's a rare sensation.

I do not know what to do and I'm starting to scare.


At this moment, in which the infectious load has slightly remitted, the estimated dental treatment should be carried out, otherwise, the infection and pain that are recurrent will return.

Do not delay your visit with your dentist.

Did a filling that fell out of me start to hurt?

A month ago I fell the filling of a tooth, for some reason and because it did not hurt I did not take care of it.

Yesterday it started to hurt a lot and I went to the dentist. He gave me an appointment for the extraction.

The fact is that I can not stand the pain anymore, I can not eat, and when I talk it hurts.

They give me stitches up to my chin and last night I had to go to the emergency room and they injected me.

Talk to the dentist and he will extract my tooth tomorrow. It is dangerous?


Your dentist will know if it is possible to do the treatment or extraction of the tooth.

Or if it is not possible, he will give you a medication that helps control the pain and infection in order to allow the extraction in a few days.

All the molars hurt on one side of my mouth

I have had a toothache for 4 days on the upper right side, all the teeth on that side hurt.

I do not have inflamed gums, I'm just very cold. Can it be a cold product or should I visit the dentist?


A cold does not cause a toothache.

The pain must be in one of the teeth and irradiate to the whole area on that side.

You must visit your dentist to make a diagnosis of the cause of the pain that you describe and can advise you on your treatment.
Pain in a crowded tooth?

For a few days I have been suffering from a pasty tooth from last year. Yesterday my dentist did a reconstruction cleaning the area because I had some cavities infiltrated in the old filling.

The point is that the pain persists. It is a pain that comes in waves.

Not progressively, but suddenly and very sharply.

It goes up even to the temple and the eye area.

Is it normal for me to keep hurting even though they treated me yesterday?

Can it be due to something else even outside the dental?


The pain in the impacted tooth may derive from an occlusal frame. This happens, for example, when the filling is too high and when the teeth close, it hits prematurely, overloading the periodontal ligament.

Another cause is that the filling is very deep and this is causing an inflammation of the nerve, causing a pulpitis.

As you can see, the pain that you have sporadically can originate for several reasons. For this reason, I recommend that you go back to your dentist and that he will value you and make a diagnosis at the dental clinic.

Does a tooth hurt when I chew with it and when I drink cold liquids?

I have a problem for about half a year and that is that I have a tooth that hurts when I chew with it and when I drink cold liquids. It's a pain of about half an hour and it goes away, it's moderate at times, it hurts a lot and sometimes a little.

When I go to brush the teeth I see that on top of the tooth that hurts there is a kind of white inflammation. What can be treated please?


Surely this tooth has a caries that has reached the nerve, which also, in addition to causing discomfort to chewing and cold.

I originate an infectious process that has been externalized in the inflammation that you have and you comment on the gum (it is a dental abscess).

In a case like yours, you should go immediately to your dentist to plan the appropriate treatment for your particular case. An infectious and inflammatory process can not only affect your oral health, but also affect your overall health.

Pungent pain in a broken tooth and I can not even eat?

I have been suffering from pain in a tooth for 5 days. This one is broken and I can neither eat nor drink water because the pain is sharp. I'm taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, but it only relieves me at times. What can I drink?.


A medication regimen can never be prescribed without having done a clinical examination and a medical history before.

A broken tooth is an entrance of bacteria into the inside of it. Affecting both the nerve and the alveolar bone. This will cause an infectious and inflammatory process that, if not treated quickly, will cause irreversible damage to this tooth.

You should not delay your visit with your dentist anymore. Your dentist will explain what is the most appropriate medication to control the infection in your particular case.

And it will also explain what is the most recommended treatment according to the severity of your particular case.
Pain in a tooth because of a very strong infection?

2 weeks ago I started with pain in a tooth I went to the dentist, he gave me antibiotics, I finished them and I came back.

He told me that it is a very strong infection that sometimes a sample is taken and analyzed to give the right antibiotic.

Then a fistula formed on my palate at the side of the tooth with pain where according to it is draining everything bad, and the pain has not completely gone away.

I could not do anything, first by the infection, then by the fistula, and as the pain wants to return as intense as at the beginning.

What I do?


Your dentist will control the infection until it stops hurting and anesthesia can take effect.

That takes a couple of days and then will surely extract the tooth that has the fistula.

Pain from a fissure in the tooth?

A tooth hurts when I take something cold. At the base of it I have a kind of "crack" that is not visible.

When I touch it with my finger it hurts and it also hurts when I eat sweet products.


For what you comment could well be a fissure of the tooth that affects the enamel and dentin, since you notice sensitivity with stimuli such as sweet and certainly also cold.

It is convenient that you go to your dentist to assess the state and depth of the fissure and estimate what will be the best treatment.

An acute and chronic sensitivity in a dental piece can lead to a dental pulpitis or inflammation of the dental nerve, which can lead to the death of this and a pulpal necrosis (it would require a re-treatment treatment).

Pain in the jaw?

For a few months now I have a discomfort and pain in my jaw, on the left side, every time I yawn or open my mouth a lot.

Last night for certain reasons I was very cold and the pain was terrible, as I had never felt before.

I wanted to know what this could be due to and what the possible solution would be.

I do not know if I have a relationship but I mention, besides that I suffer constant headaches when my jaw bothers me a lot


You present a pathology of the TMJ or temporo-mandibular joint.

My advice is to consult with an ATM specialist. This can be derived or aggravated by the paralysis of bruxism or the act of squeezing or grinding the teeth.

Bruxism can cause joint pain, maxillary pain, pain and / or noise or "clicks" when opening and closing the mouth, cervical pain, headaches, dental wear, gingival retraction.

The treatment will consist in the majority of cases, in the realization and use, of a superior rigid discharge splint.

The discharge splint should be worn or used normally at night and it should also be checked and adapted periodically every six months.

My advice is that you do not delay your visit since this pathology can worsen with the passage of time.
Gum pain

I started last night with slight pain in the gum at the end of the last lower molar.

He did not look inflamed but when he touched his tongue it hurt a little so he took an anti-inflammatory.

All day I forgot I had no discomfort, but in the afternoon it started to hurt again.

And I see it a little inflamed, it does not come out neither blood nor liquid or anything.

What should I do? Is it possible that it is an abscess?


You must go to your dentist for it to review and treat depending on the source of gingival inflammation.

In pain and inflammation in the gum may be due to gingivitis or they may be discomfort of the eruption of the third molar.

To reduce inflammation of the gum you must maintain a proper tooth brushing and oral hygiene of the area.

A cordial greeting and we remain at your disposal.

Mouth pain that passes to my ear

I've had a pain in my mouth for a couple of days, which passes through my ear.

It starts in the molars, but it extends to the whole mouth.

It is a continuous pain that does not increase when I eat and brush my teeth, it relieves me and helps it to disappear.

It is especially annoying at night, I have no bleeding or anything like that when brushing.

I will go to the dentist as soon as I can, but now I am traveling and I would like to know what I can be doing by taking ibuprofen.


You could present an inflammatory and infectious process in a tooth.

It is important that you go as soon as possible to your dentist so that he can check you correctly.

Keep a scrupulous oral hygiene that will help reduce inflammation in the area.

Pain after a root canal

I finished an endodontics about a month ago and 2 weeks ago I started a pain in the tooth and teeth in front of that tooth.

It is like a pain in the lower left part of the jaw, besides the pain I derive to the nerve of the ear and the nerve of the neck causing in turn a cervical pain.

I went to my dentist and he told me that endodontics is fine, he gave me muscle relaxants. It's been 6 days since I've been taking them and I still have the same pain. That is, the dental pain has not happened to me, what could be happening to me?


It happens the same to me. I had a root canal on the lower jaw tooth. And now the nerve in the ear hurts and a point of the neck, just below the occiput.

Also right at that point I feel like a small hard lump, I do not know if it will be a cervical ganglion. I thought that doing the root canal and lowering the infection would improve, but I'm getting worse.


After the root canal treatment, pain is normal for a few days. However, if the pain after endodontics with referral you should see your endodontist as soon as possible.

A pain after the endodontics that does not subside after a few weeks may indicate the failure of the treatment.

Tail pain in pregnancy

I am pregnant and two days ago I have an impossible pain, my cheek got inflamed.

The wisdom tooth broke part of my gum and I can barely eat and open my mouth.

I do not know what to do since I am at rest until the day of delivery.


I am three months pregnant and the lower tailpiece is coming out.

Is it possible that I can extract it for my state?

I can not stand the pain, my gums are very inflamed, it hurts when I swallow and I can not even eat well.


Dental treatments in pregnancy should be done in the second trimester of pregnancy. The best thing if you are in the final phase of pregnancy, is to do the treatment after giving birth.

In cases of urgency your doctor can authorize the dental treatment or indicate a safe medication to palliate the pain.

The prevention of dental pain is the best treatment
The best treatment is always prevention, for this it is important that you have a good oral hygiene technique. And also, to prevent dental pain you should make regular visits to your dentist.

Visit your dentist regularly can allow early diagnosis of caries or other diseases before they cause pain.

In conclusion, we find an oral pathology that is aggravated by inaction and that can lead to an irreversible problem. Therefore, at Clínicas Propdental we recommend carrying out a periodic review with the dentist.

Your dentist can anticipate the onset of pain, prevent infection and stop any dental disease in a timely and effective way.

If you have any doubts about dental pain you can consult with the dentists of the Propdental Clinics in Madrid, Barcelona and Badalona.

The 3 best exercises for your health best workout routine for overall health

Changing the elevator up the stairs can improve your heart health. In addition, it helps you lower your cholesterol, while strengthening your bones and increasing your muscle tone.
Do you know the benefits of practicing different exercises every day? Whether for work, family or even personal reasons, it is common for us to lead a sedentary life. Most people do not practice any kind of physical activity.

You may not notice it right now, but in the long term our body will suffer various problems that will affect your quality of life. How about we start introducing three simple exercises?
3 exercises against sedentary lifestyle

Obesity, heart problems, cholesterol ... There are many diseases that can be alleviated by introducing elementary exercises that will help us to improve our health.
Sometimes it takes 30 minutes a day to get it. But yes, we must be constant. You dare?
Remember that a requirement to be firm in relation to exercise is not to practice alone. So, what if you encourage a friend or family member to accompany you?

Of the three exercises presented, choose those that are easier for you to do, and you can even combine them and alternate them by days. The essential thing is that you do it every day and take it as a habit in your life. Your health will thank you.

1. The benefits of going up and down stairs

Photo by Nathan Cowley

It may surprise you, but it is. Up and down stairs an excellent way to improve the health of our heart. Also to strengthen the muscles of the legs, consume calories and obtain adequate cardiovascular conditioning. In only half an hour we can lose 342 calories.
Dr. Roy Shephard of the University of Toronto (Canada) states the following: Only by climbing steps of twenty centimeters at a rate of twenty per minute can you obtain incredible benefits for our health. And this is, without a doubt, one of the best exercises we can do.
Reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
Greater muscle strength in the legs and greater cardiopulmonary resistance.
Burning calories
Strengthening our bones
Improvement of circulation and muscle tone.
How to do it?
At home, in shopping centers or even in our work.
Between 20 and 25 minutes every day.
If you get tired, take a slower pace breathing deeply.
Climb up step by step with your back straight and try not to move forward. Control the work of your legs and the flexion of the feet.
If you have a knee prosthesis or a leg injury, do it very slowly. And if you have had any type of heart problem, consult your doctor before performing this exercise on a daily basis.

2.Benefits of riding a bicycle

This is another of the most beneficial and recommended exercises. If you have a bicycle and you have the opportunity to find a good space to travel around without risks, do not hesitate.

Moreover, if it is possible to replace your car with a bicycle to work, better than better. Pedaling on a daily basis can bring us great health benefits. Just do it every day for 30 or 35 minutes. And, if it is in company, it will be more pleasant.

Reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%.
Prevents back pain and protects the joints. The movement of the pedal stimulates the muscles of the dorsal vertebrae and strengthens the lumbar area, thus preventing the appearance of herniated discs. The joints of the knees also find improvement before these cyclic movements, helping also to protect the strength of our cartilages.
Improve our immune system. When we ride a bike and perform these elementary exercises in our body, we mobilize the phagocytes. These cells are devourers of bacteria in the human body and eliminate all kinds of toxins.

3.Benefits of walking daily

To find the right benefits in this simple exercise, you must do it daily. Also, you must walk at a rapid pace for half an hour.

It is not about running at all, but taking a light step. The goal is for our body and our heart to maintain an optimal level of functioning during this brief time.

Strengthens the heart, prevents heart disease and reduces cholesterol.
We control our weight. If little by little we accelerate our pace we will increase our muscle mass, our metabolism will rise and we will burn more fats.
We prevent dementia and strokes.
We prevent osteoporosis. We stimulate the bones and strengthen them, also improving the effectiveness of our joints.
Toning glutes and abdominals. For this we have to pay attention to our position while we walk. Try to do it upright and in a comfortable position, do not lean forward.
We increase the levels of vitamin D. When walking in the light of day we will obtain this vitamin essential for the health of the bones and the immune system.
We increase energy and well-being. If we walk for half an hour a day in the company of our partner or a friend, it will be much more beneficial and less burdensome. By walking daily we can reduce stress and anxiety.
Breathing outdoors and disconnect from our obligations for a moment is undoubtedly the best vitamin we can get. How about we start today?

Back pain - Causes and how to relieve it

The main causes of back pain can include spinal problems, pneumonia or kidney stones, and to differentiate the cause should be noted the characteristic of pain and the region of the back that is affected.
Most of the time the pain in the back is of muscular origin and arises due to fatigue, weight lifting or poor posture, and can be solved with simple measures such as hot compresses and stretching.
However, if the pain in the back appears suddenly, is very strong or if there are other associated symptoms such as fever or difficulty moving, it is best to go to the doctor to request exams and indicate the most appropriate treatment.
Back pain - Causes and how to relieve it
What can cause pain in the back
The 7 main types of pain in the back are:

1. Back pain on the right or left side

What it can be: it is usually a pain in the form of weight that indicates the presence of a muscle injury, especially after going to the gym, however it can also be caused by professions that may be demanding for the back as is the case with dentists or gardeners.
How to relieve: place a warm compress in the region for 15 minutes, 2 times a day, for 3 to 4 days and apply an anti-inflammatory ointment such as Cataflam or Traumeel.

2. Back pain when breathing

What it can be: it can be related to the lung when there is a sensation of shortness of breath, mainly when there was a respiratory illness in recent years or if the person is bedridden. See other signs in: Symptoms of respiratory infection.
How to relieve: apply a warm compress in the region, but it is best to find a pulmonologist or general practitioner in case there are other symptoms of respiratory problems associated with pain, such as cough, phlegm or fever.

3. Low back pain

What it can be: it is usually a sign of renal colic, being related to the presence of kidney stones, which results in a very severe pain that prevents the patient from walking or moving. More details of this pain in: Symptoms of kidney stones.
How to relieve: pain should be treated as quickly as possible, so it is recommended to go to a hospital emergency.

4. Back pain that radiates to the legs

What it can be: it can be caused by a compression of the sciatic nerve in the final region of the spine or buttocks. However, when the pain is provoked in the form of a stitch with a tingling sensation or difficulty sitting or walking, it may indicate the presence of osteophytes. If you think you may have the affected sciatic nerve, answer the following questions:
1. Pain with tingling, numbness or shock in the spine, buttocks, leg or sole of the foot.Yes
2. Sensation of burning, stitches or tired leg. Yes
3. Weakness in one or both legs. Yes
4. Pain that intensifies with rest. Yes
5. Difficulty walking or staying a long time in the same position. Yes
How to relieve: what is recommended to do in these cases is to go to a trauma surgeon, so you can request exams such as an MRI, and from there indicate the best treatment.

5. Back pain with tightness in the chest

What it can be: when the pain worsens with effort and there is a feeling of discomfort or dizziness it can be a sign of heart attack, mainly if the person is above the ideal weight, if they have hypertension or suffer from high cholesterol.
How to relieve: you must call an ambulance or go as quickly as possible to the nearest health center emergency.
During pregnancy is also very common the emergence of back pain, especially in the last months of pregnancy due to the overload of the spine.

6. Middle back pain

What can be: muscle contracture or spinal problems such as a herniated disc, which mainly affects people over 45 years of age. The pain can get worse when getting up or staying a long time in the same position, being able to irradiate to the sides, to the ribs or down affecting the buttocks and legs.
How to relieve: You can place a warm compress on your back and avoid staying too long in the same position. In addition to this you can go to the orthopedist for X-rays or a resonance and indicate the appropriate treatment, which may include physiotherapy sessions.

7. High back pain

What it can be: It may be due to a muscle contracture due to fatigue, excessive physical activity, stress or worry, or torticollis, which in this case must be associated with pain in the neck as well.
How to relieve: Stretching exercises are a great help to stretch your muscles and feel more relaxed. In the case of torticollis should be placed in a comfortable position and should be turning the head slowly to all sides, can help relax the muscles of the upper part.
How to relieve pain in the back
What you can do to relieve back pain at home, before consultation with the doctor is:

Rest: lie on the floor or on a hard mattress for half an hour every day;
Warm compresses: place a warm compress with 3 drops of rosemary essential oil exactly on the region of pain, for 15 minutes per day;
Receive a massage: with warm almond oil, but without forcing much;
Homeopathy: ingestion of homeopathic medicines such as arnica, prescribed by the doctor to treat inflammation in the back;
Pilates exercises: help strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals, fighting the cause of pain.
It is also important to follow some tips such as adopting good posture on a daily basis, to protect the spine, and exercise regularly. Muscle exercises are a good option to improve posture, reducing pain and discomfort in the back.

See other tips for relieving back pain:


General description

Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people go to the doctor or miss work and is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Most people suffer from back pain at least once.

Fortunately, you can take measures to prevent or relieve most episodes of back pain. If prevention fails, simple home treatment and proper body mechanics will often heal your back in a few weeks and keep it functional. Surgery is rarely needed to treat back pain.

Signs and symptoms of back pain may include the following:

Muscle pains
Throbbing pain
Pain that radiates towards the leg
Pain that gets worse when you flex, stand, stand or walk
Pain that improves when lying down
When should you see a doctor?
In most cases, back pain gradually improves with home treatment and personal care, usually in a few weeks. If your pain does not improve in that time, consult your doctor.

In rare cases, back pain can indicate a serious medical problem. Seek immediate attention if your back pain:

causes new bladder or bowel problems;

it is accompanied by fever;
it appears after a fall, a blow to the back or another injury.
Contact a doctor if your back pain:

it is intense and does not improve with rest;
it extends to one or both legs, especially if the pain extends below the knee;
causes weakness, numbness or tingling in one or both legs;
It is accompanied by unexplained weight loss.
Also, consult your doctor if you start having back pain for the first time after age 50, or if you have a history of cancer, osteoporosis, steroid use, or excessive use of drugs or alcohol.

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Pain in the lower back caused by degeneration and injury of the spine.
Click here for more information on an infographic
Back pain that appears suddenly and lasts less than six weeks (acute) may be the result of a fall or lifting of a heavy object. Back pain that lasts more than three months (chronic) is less frequent than acute pain.

Often, back pain manifests itself without a cause that the doctor can identify with a test or an imaging study. The disorders frequently related to back pain include:

Muscle or ligament pressure. Lifting heavy objects repeatedly or doing a sudden wrong movement can put pressure on the muscles of the back and ligaments of the spine. If your physical condition is not good, constant pressure on your back could cause painful muscle spasms.
Protrusion or herniated disk. The discs function as buffers between the bones (vertebrae) of the spine. The soft material inside the disc may have a bulge or a rupture and exert pressure on a nerve. However, you may have a bulge or a herniated disc without feeling back pain. Discopathy is usually discovered accidentally when, for some other reason, you have an x-ray of your spine.
Arthritis. Osteoarthritis can affect the lower back. In some cases, arthritis of the spine can reduce the space surrounding the spinal cord, a condition called spinal stenosis.
Bone irregularities. A disorder in which the spine curves to the side (scoliosis) can also cause back pain, but usually not before middle age.
Osteoporosis. The vertebrae of the spine may have compression fractures if your bones become porous and fragile.

Risk factor's
Anyone can develop back pain, including children and adolescents. These factors can increase the risk of developing back pain:

Age. Back pain is more common as you get older, starting at age 30 or 40.
Lack of exercise. Weak and unused muscles of the back and abdomen can cause back pain.
Over weight. Excess body weight exerts an overload on the back.
Diseases. Some types of arthritis and cancer can contribute to back pain.
Pick up objects incorrectly. Using the back instead of the legs can cause back pain.
Psychological conditions People prone to depression and anxiety seem to have a higher risk of suffering from back pain.
Smoking This reduces blood flow to the lower part of the spine, which can prevent your body from supplying enough nutrients to the back discs. Smoking also delays recovery.
You can avoid back pain or prevent it from happening again if you improve your physical condition and learn and practice proper body mechanics.

To keep your back strong and healthy:

Do exercise. The regular practice of low impact aerobic activities (those that do not produce pressure or shake your back) can improve the strength and endurance of your back and allow your muscles to work better. Walking and swimming are good options. Talk to your doctor about activities you can try.
Develop muscle strength and flexibility. Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and back, which strengthen the middle area of the body, help develop these muscles to function as a natural strip for your back. The flexibility in your hips and upper legs aligns your pelvic bones to improve the feeling in your back. The doctor or physical therapist can tell you what exercises are right for you.
Maintain a healthy weight Overweight puts pressure on the muscles of the back. If you are overweight, losing weight can prevent back pain.
Give up smoking. Talk to your doctor about methods to quit smoking.
Avoid the movements of rotation or pressure on your back. Use your body properly:

Maintain an upright posture Do not bend over. Maintains a neutral pelvic position If you must remain standing for a long time, put one foot on a low footrest to remove some weight from the lower area of your back. Alternate the feet. Good posture can reduce stress on the back muscles.
Sit upright. Choose a seat that has good support for the back, armrests and a swivel base. Placing a cushion or rolled towel in the lumbar area of your back can maintain its normal curve. Put your knees and hips at the same level. Change your position frequently, at least every half hour.
Stand up straight. If possible, avoid lifting heavy things, but if you must do it, let your legs do the work. Put your back straight (no twisting) and bend only your knees. Place the object near the body. Find a person to help you lift the object if it is heavy or uncomfortable.
Be a careful buyer
Because back pain is so common, several products promise prevention or relief. However, there is no evidence to show that the use of special shoes, insoles, back supports, specially designed furniture or stress management programs can be useful.

Also, there does not seem to be a type of mattress that is better for people with back pain. It is probably a matter of what is most comfortable for you.

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Back pain is very frequent, but in many cases it is not clear what exactly causes it. Depending on its cause, it is usually classified into 2 types: mechanical back pain and inflammatory back pain². They are the most frequent. There are other less frequent causes that can also be associated with back pain such as infections, kidney or digestive diseases, polymyalgia rheumatica and, exceptionally, tumors3,4. Your doctor can help you diagnose it correctly.


The data indicate that 80% of us will have back pain at some point in our lives. It is estimated that, at a given time, 1 in 5 people have low back pain of at least 3 months, so it can be described as chronic¹. It is not surprising that this is so, because in daily life there are many factors that affect the back. They influence, for example, things like fattening or the footwear that is used. There are many different causes of back pain, and it is important to seek information and help in case of a continued pain of more than 3 months that does not go away.

In most cases, back pain is mechanical. However, in one out of every 20 people with chronic back pain, it has an inflammatory origin5. Both types of pain can limit daily activities, as well as limit the quality of life because it affects sleep, social life and the ability to work.
But mechanical pain and inflammatory pain can have similar symptoms, making it difficult to differentiate them without help. That is why it is important to consult a doctor and be able to describe your pain.
Discover the 5 symptoms of inflammatory back pain and get more information about how back problems are diagnosed.

The whole truth about Venus System Best Review

There is no universal method! We will help you find the program that perfectly suits your needs, answer the following questions and in just 2 minutes you will have your respect totally free:
What is the Venus Program?
It is a very simple but effective option that you can use to change your figure, your habits and especially to lose weight in 12 weeks.
This method, based on a healthy diet and that makes use of certain physical exercises, will allow you to improve your metabolism in just 3 months. With this, you will clearly see the results in your body and balance.

The Venus System is currently presented as a way with which you can achieve the weight and figure you want, without the need to make great sacrifices and the best thing is that you can have lasting results.

The Key to the 10-Kilo-In-One-Month Diet-to-Thin Program
Now that you know a little about this system, it is time for you to know what your key is, which will allow you to achieve the figure you so desire. This key is the hormone known as leptin, which can stimulate its natural production in the body making use of a variety of foods that the program will show you.

Through this hormone, women can have in their favor a tool of great help when it comes to burning localized fat permanently.

For this reason and if you are looking for an effective method with long-term results, this program is the one you should use.

Now an important point that we can not forget is to talk about the exercise program that includes the system. These are a high-intensity interval exercise plan, which will give you wonderful results with little time.

 Who is the Program for?
An aspect of gejercicios Venusian relevance that you must take into account on this system is the public for which it is directed. If you are a man, this is not the program you are looking for, but if you are a woman, it is the most appropriate option you can use.

And why are women benefited with this program?

To know it, you must take into account the following:

Initially you should be clear that the features of the woman's body are different from the man's. Women accumulate fat in certain areas that men do not and their metabolism usually goes slower. This clearly represents a challenge for women and therefore the slimming systems that are used must be specifically designed for them.
The foregoing is very clear about this system and is that its creator, the renowned coach John Barban, to consider this designed a nutritional program and physical training that is consistent with the needs and features of women.

This program considers the way in which the woman's body stores fat, the hormonal load that they manage as well as the distribution of the muscles.
This is why the Venus diet is only indicated for women, generating in them very good results when it comes to looking fit.

Because you need it?
Whether you are overweight, accumulated fat in difficult areas or that you are not satisfied with the figure you currently have, this system is what you need to achieve the goals you want and is that with the program of 12 weeks that you will find you can see changes really drastic in your body.

To start the fat you have in those areas that bother you so much they will disappear.
In the same way you can achieve that your muscles and body in general is toned and firm.
And the best thing is you will have your highest energy levels.
The results with this program are really remarkable and in the case that after 12 weeks you still have weight to eliminate from your body what you should do is start over with it in order to be able to eliminate the extra kilos you want.

Keep in mind that the approach presented by the Venus program is balanced, healthy and very effective when it comes to looking to lose fat, improve your figure and your physical condition.

For this and if you have more than 5 kilos of fat to eliminate your figure you need the Venus System.
Who is the author?
john barbar But now and in the presence of this so attractive system what many women who want to do it wonder is who is its creator.

This is John Barban, who is a professional in the area of fitness and who throughout his work has learned a lot about nutrition and the functioning of the metabolism.

It is thanks to this knowledge and his extensive experience in the areas that Barban has made a complete diet and training plan with which many women can lose weight and achieve the figure they want.

Why and how does it work?
Throughout this post you have already known a little about the Venus Program but it is very important that you now know concretely why this works and also how it is achieved.

The weight loss program presented by this system is based on the functioning of the hormone leptin, which is what can help women lose weight. This hormone is only produced by women and is what allows the female body to regulate the amount of fat that accumulates. It is for this reason mainly that the system is only for women.

According to the amount of leptin in the body you can feel more or less anxious to eat and is that when the body has accumulated adequate fat deposits the hormone sends the signal to the brain to calm your appetite.

In this way, it is clear that if a woman has high levels of leptin her appetite will be reduced, while lower levels present greater her anxiety and desire to eat.

Now it is not that in this program, as in many others that are in the market, you should buy a product or leptin supplement. Actually, the excellent news that the Venus System brings us is that this hormone is produced by the body itself and to stimulate its production a great variety of foods can be consumed. In the same way, their levels can be increased naturally by means of adequate physical conditioning routines.

As an example, you should know that some foods that stimulate the production of this hormone are proteins, such as eggs, fish or avocados. In the same way vegetables, especially green ones, and certain fruits also help in their production.

About vegetables and fruits should be taken into account that these generally have a low caloric intake to the diet and give a good amount of fiber and vitamins, which help to quench more quickly and have a healthy and balanced body.

Now a key point for the functioning of the system is also to consider that there are foods that should be avoided. Within these are:

Meals with excess fat.
And artificial preservatives.
What does the program include?
The program is truly comprehensive and is that it includes a variety of elements and aids that will allow women to achieve their goals. These elements are:
The PDF program guide, which explains step by step the process that should be performed in terms of diet and physical activity.
The physical training guide for 3 months, which integrates tutorial videos with which you learn to do each recommended exercise. This guide does not require sophisticated equipment or gym registration and is that the proposed activities can be done at home.
Virtual nutritionist, software: allows you to determine adequately the number of calories you need to lose weight. This according to your age, your body type, your current height, and weight. The application also recommends the consumption that must take into account fats, proteins and carbohydrates to achieve the proposed objectives.
Forum of members: in which the women who carry out the program can talk about their experiences, results, doubts or share recipes. It is a great motivation tool.
So far you have been able to know without a doubt a lot of positive aspects that the program delivers. But for you to know it fully, it is also necessary to talk about its cons:

The first, for male representatives, is that the system does not work for men.
 In the same way you should know that the method does not work if the woman only wants to lose a couple of pounds and is that the changes that are achieved with this program are extreme.
It is necessary to mention that this system is not miraculous that gives results without effort. In fact, it demands of the women that they carry out a lot of discipline and dedication.
 It is not a recommended program for people who have serious bone or physical injuries.
 And the fact that it can only be obtained online is also presented as a limitation.
But if we consider the cons clearly, it is necessary to discuss their points in favor.
These are the following:
The Venus Program delivers a complete and simple manual, which will tell you everything you should do and when you should do it.
 The program also gives you audiovisual material and an excellent application so that you understand everything you need to do.
It is also a benefit to know that any woman, without discriminating age or amount of weight to be eliminated, can make use of this system.
The speed of the program is also a benefit and is that in 12 weeks you can achieve the body you want. 3 months is a prudent time to achieve your goals, without generating negative impacts on your body.
 The Venus Diet is not a strict diet in which you must obsess about counting calories. What you should do is take care of the quality of what you eat and carry out the routines proposed by the program with dedication.
 It is a benefit that for its realization you do not need to buy strange foods or special products, both for the nutritional program and for exercises.
We must consider that the system is presented in stages, 4 in total, which allows its realization to occur gradually and without requiring the body and the person to make too drastic changes.
 With this system you will have control of your weight loss and it is with him you will be the one who chooses the goal to achieve.
 As for the exercises that are presented in the system, you should know that they allow the women who put them into practice to achieve the desired female figure, that is to say, eliminating the fat that is so annoyingly located in difficult areas.
 This system will help you to achieve the figure you want so much, you will also improve your physical condition and health and all this in 12 weeks
Keep in mind that with this system you will naturally achieve that your metabolism is faster and more effective when it comes to burning fat, for which the results obtained will be long-lasting.
Finally and since we have talked completely about this program it is time to give the final verdict on it.
We can say that if you are looking for an effective method with which to lose weight but also achieve a firm and sexy figure is the option that you should consider as a woman.
Do not forget that the Venus Program is specially designed for women and that is why if you do it in a disciplined way there are no reasons why in three months you can not have the figure you want so much.
One aspect that we can not fail to mention before finishing is that the Venus Program offers women a guarantee of the return of the money invested. This is 60 days so you can try the method without risk of losing your money.
With all this that you have been able to know about the Venus system, there is no reason that prevents you from using the program.
Here you or we present and recommend so do not stop trying it.

The effective Japanese method to lose fat and your belly is flat

The West has been focusing on Asian traditions for a long time, searching for and capturing innovative techniques to improve health and well-being. Two clear examples are tai chi and yoga, two disciplines that every day have more followers. The secret of its success is explained, perhaps, because, unlike the mechanical exercises that are proposed from the gym, these specialties not only provide a complete program to take a greater awareness of our body, but offer, even, a whole cultural model, very different from ours, that keeps the curiosity of its practitioners alive.

When it comes to losing a few kilos, we entrust the task to solutions and tricks, more or less proven, scientific or pseudoscientific, which fill the Internet portals and the bookcase shelves. What happens, however, if we look at what is also proposed in this field from the Far East?

It is enough to dedicate between 2 and 10 minutes a day so that its effects become patent

The Japanese actor Miki Ryôsuke, turned into a weight loss guru, has recently exposed on YouTube a particular method to eliminate fat from the waste that has become a viral phenomenon. The interpreter tells that the result arose by chance, as a side effect of an exercise recommended by his doctor to relieve the back pain he suffered. Ryôsuke says that he has lost up to 13 kg and 12 centimeters of waste in just a few weeks. However, is what you propose really effective?

Inspire and exhale
The execution of the exercise is based on the adoption of a particular posture that must be accompanied by a strong expiration with which all the oxygen contained in the respiratory tract is expelled. Ryôsuke assures that it is enough to carry it out between 2 and 10 minutes a day for its effects to be noticed. Let's see how to do it correctly:

1. Situate yourself standing up and advance one of your legs, placing the other in a position that is lagging behind the rest of the body.

2. Tense your buttocks and transfer your weight to the most backward foot.

A study from Hampton University revealed that the combination of yoga with deep breaths led to significant weight loss

3. Perform an inspiration of 3 seconds while raising your arms above the head.

4. Finally, exhale for 7 seconds putting all the muscles in your body into tension.

A second variant consists of keeping the back straight, tensing the buttocks and placing one hand in front of the abdomen and another in the back.

In the following video, made by the actor himself, you will find a more visual explanation.

What the experts think
Nurse Marcelle Pick, founder of the 'Woman to woman' website on women's health, explains to 'Medical Daily' her vision on this technique: "Although it does not serve as a substitute for gymnastics, it is a good first step for women who want to start a program. Deep breathing improves the benefits of any form of exercise. "

According to a study carried out by Hampton University some years ago, a good combination of yoga with deep breathing exercises can have amazing effects for weight loss. Sixty girls and teenage boys were divided into two groups. The first of them had to perform 40 minutes of yoga, pranayama and deep breaths for twelve weeks, carrying out the plan for forty minutes, four times every seven days. The other group, on the contrary, continued, without modifications, with their daily activities. The first came to lose an average of almost three kilos, without submitting, however, to a reduction in the consumption of calories.

Jil Johnson fitness specialist and author of the book 'Oxycise!', Which proposes a whole plan based on breathing, explains that: "The fat is made of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, when the oxygen we breathe reaches the molecules of fat, these are broken in the form of carbon dioxide and water. The blood then collects carbon dioxide (as waste from our body) and carries it to the lungs to be expelled. The more oxygen you use, therefore, the more fat your body will burn. " 'Odditycentral' translates these statements pointing out that what actually happens thanks to the repeated inspirations and expirations is that the metabolism is accelerated. All this, together with the contraction and relaxation of the abdominal muscles that occur during the execution, can become important benefits for this area.

low back pain treatment Relief of back pain: Ergonomic chair or Swiss ball?

The doctor will examine your back and assess your ability to sit, stand, walk and lift your legs. The doctor can also ask you to rate the pain on a scale of 0 to 10 and talk about the effectiveness with which you work with the pain.
These tests help determine where the pain comes from, how much you can move until the pain forces you to stop and if you have muscle spasms. They can also help rule out more serious causes of back pain.

If there is a reason to suspect that a specific disorder is causing back pain, the doctor may request a test or more:
X-rays These images show the alignment of the bones and if you have arthritis or broken bones. By themselves, they will not show problems in the spinal cord, muscles, nerves or discs.
Computed tomography or magnetic resonance scan. These scans generate images that may reveal disc herniation or problems in the bones, muscles, tissues, tendons, nerves, ligaments and blood vessels.
Blood test. These can help determine if you have an infection or other disorder that may be causing the pain.
Bone scan Rarely, the doctor may perform a bone scan to detect bone tumors or compression fractures caused by osteoporosis.
Studies of the nerves. Electromyography measures the electrical impulses produced by the nerves and the responses of the muscles. This test can confirm nerve compression caused by disc herniation or narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis).
Most severe back pain improves in a few weeks of home treatment. However, all people are different and back pain is a complex condition. For many people, the pain persists for quite some time, but only some have intense and permanent pain.
For severe back pain, perhaps all you need are over-the-counter pain relievers and the application of heat. Rest in bed is not recommended.
Continue your activities as long as you tolerate them. Try soft activities, such as walking or activities of daily living. Suspend the activity that increases the pain but do not avoid doing activities for fear that it hurts. If the treatment at home is not helpful after several weeks, the doctor may suggest stronger medications and other therapies.

Depending on the type of back pain you have, the doctor may recommend the following:
Over-the-counter analgesics (VL). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) can relieve acute back pain. You should only take these medications according to the recommendation of the doctor. Excessive consumption can produce serious side effects. If VL pain relievers do not relieve the pain you suffer, the doctor may recommend you to take NSAIDs with a prescription.
Muscle relaxants. If mild to moderate back pain is not relieved by VL analgesics, the doctor may recommend that you take a muscle relaxant. Muscle relaxers can make you feel dizzy and drowsy.
Topical analgesics They are creams, balms or ointments that you apply on the skin in the place where you feel pain.
Narcotics They are medicines that contain opioids, such as oxycodone or hydrocodone, which can be consumed for a short period with the careful supervision of the doctor. Opioids do not work well for chronic pain, so the prescription usually corresponds to a number of pills for a period of less than a week.
Antidepressants It has been shown that low doses of certain types of antidepressants (especially tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline) relieve certain types of chronic back pain independently of the effect on depression.
Injections If the other measures do not relieve the pain, and if it radiates to the leg, the doctor may inject cortisone (an anti-inflammatory medicine) or medicine that causes numbness, in the space around the spinal cord (epidural space). . The cortisone injection helps to decrease the inflammation that occurs around the nerve roots, but the pain relief only lasts a few months.
There is no commonly accepted program to teach people with back pain how to control this disorder effectively. Therefore, education could consist of a class, a conversation with the doctor, written material or a video. Education emphasizes the importance of staying active, reducing stress and worries, and learning ways to avoid future injuries.
Physiotherapy and exercise
A physiotherapist can use several treatments, such as heat, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and muscle relaxation techniques in the muscles of the back and soft tissues to reduce pain.
As the pain improves, the physiotherapist can teach you exercises that can increase your flexibility, strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, and improve your posture. Regular use of these techniques can help prevent pain from coming back.
Few people need surgery to treat back pain. If you have an incessant pain associated with a pain that extends through the leg or progressive muscle weakness caused by the compression of a nerve, you may benefit from surgery. Otherwise, surgery is usually reserved for pain related to structural problems, such as narrowing of the spine (stenosis of the spinal canal) or a herniated disc, which has not responded to other therapy.
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Clinical studies
Explore the Mayo Clinic studies evaluating new treatments, interventions and analyzes as a means to prevent, detect, treat or control this disease.
Alternative medicine
Many alternative treatments can relieve the symptoms of back pain. Always talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks before starting a new alternative treatment.
Chiropractic care A chiropractor manipulates the spine to relieve pain.
Acupuncture. An acupuncturist inserts sterilized stainless steel needles into the skin, at specific points on the body. Some people with pain in the lower back report that acupuncture helps relieve symptoms.
Transcutaneous nerve electrostimulation. A battery-operated device placed on the skin sends impulses of electrical energy to the painful area. Studies have shown mixed results regarding the effectiveness of transcutaneous nerve electrostimulation.
Massages If the back pain is due to tense or overloaded muscles, massage may help.
Yoga. There are several types of yoga, a broad discipline that involves practicing poses or specific postures, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. Yoga can stretch and strengthen muscles and improve posture, although, if they aggravate symptoms, you may have to modify some poses.
Preparation for the consultation
If the back pain lasts a few days without improvement, consult your doctor. Below is information that will help you prepare for your query.
What you can do
Make a list of the following:
Essential personal information, including episodes of mental or emotional stress in your life
Your symptoms, and when they started
All medications, vitamins or other supplements that you consume, including doses
Questions to ask the doctor
Ask a family member or friend to accompany you, if possible, to help you remember the information you receive.
In the case of back pain, these are questions to ask the doctor:
What is the most likely cause of my back pain?
Do I have to undergo diagnostic tests?
What treatment approach do you recommend?
If you recommend medications, what are the possible side effects?
I have other disorders. How can I control them in the best way?
How long will I need the treatment?
What personal care measures can I try?
How can I prevent back pain from returning?
What to expect from your doctor
The doctor is likely to ask you questions, such as the following:
When did the back pain begin?
Did you ever hurt your back?
Is the pain constant?
Does pain affect your ability to function? If so, to what extent?
Do you have other signs or symptoms other than back pain?
Do you do heavy physical work?
Do you exercise regularly? What kind of activities do you do?
How often do you feel depressed or anxious?
Do you sleep well?
What treatments or measures of personal care did you try so far? Is there anything that has helped?
For the relief of back pain, is it better to sit in an ergonomic office chair or on a Swiss ball?
If the long periods sitting at a desk are causing back pain, your office chair may need an adjustment to give you better back support, or you may even need a new chair designed to reduce back pain . It is not recommended to sit on a training ball to work in the office.

To keep yourself upright on a training ball, you must make small and constant adjustments in muscle tension and weight distribution. This effort helps you achieve the benefits of core strengthening exercises performed with a training ball. However, prolonged swinging in a training ball during a full day of work can result in increased fatigue and discomfort in the back.