The effective Japanese method to lose fat and your belly is flat

The West has been focusing on Asian traditions for a long time, searching for and capturing innovative techniques to improve health and well-being. Two clear examples are tai chi and yoga, two disciplines that every day have more followers. The secret of its success is explained, perhaps, because, unlike the mechanical exercises that are proposed from the gym, these specialties not only provide a complete program to take a greater awareness of our body, but offer, even, a whole cultural model, very different from ours, that keeps the curiosity of its practitioners alive.

When it comes to losing a few kilos, we entrust the task to solutions and tricks, more or less proven, scientific or pseudoscientific, which fill the Internet portals and the bookcase shelves. What happens, however, if we look at what is also proposed in this field from the Far East?

It is enough to dedicate between 2 and 10 minutes a day so that its effects become patent

The Japanese actor Miki Ryôsuke, turned into a weight loss guru, has recently exposed on YouTube a particular method to eliminate fat from the waste that has become a viral phenomenon. The interpreter tells that the result arose by chance, as a side effect of an exercise recommended by his doctor to relieve the back pain he suffered. Ryôsuke says that he has lost up to 13 kg and 12 centimeters of waste in just a few weeks. However, is what you propose really effective?

Inspire and exhale
The execution of the exercise is based on the adoption of a particular posture that must be accompanied by a strong expiration with which all the oxygen contained in the respiratory tract is expelled. Ryôsuke assures that it is enough to carry it out between 2 and 10 minutes a day for its effects to be noticed. Let's see how to do it correctly:

1. Situate yourself standing up and advance one of your legs, placing the other in a position that is lagging behind the rest of the body.

2. Tense your buttocks and transfer your weight to the most backward foot.

A study from Hampton University revealed that the combination of yoga with deep breaths led to significant weight loss

3. Perform an inspiration of 3 seconds while raising your arms above the head.

4. Finally, exhale for 7 seconds putting all the muscles in your body into tension.

A second variant consists of keeping the back straight, tensing the buttocks and placing one hand in front of the abdomen and another in the back.

In the following video, made by the actor himself, you will find a more visual explanation.

What the experts think
Nurse Marcelle Pick, founder of the 'Woman to woman' website on women's health, explains to 'Medical Daily' her vision on this technique: "Although it does not serve as a substitute for gymnastics, it is a good first step for women who want to start a program. Deep breathing improves the benefits of any form of exercise. "

According to a study carried out by Hampton University some years ago, a good combination of yoga with deep breathing exercises can have amazing effects for weight loss. Sixty girls and teenage boys were divided into two groups. The first of them had to perform 40 minutes of yoga, pranayama and deep breaths for twelve weeks, carrying out the plan for forty minutes, four times every seven days. The other group, on the contrary, continued, without modifications, with their daily activities. The first came to lose an average of almost three kilos, without submitting, however, to a reduction in the consumption of calories.

Jil Johnson fitness specialist and author of the book 'Oxycise!', Which proposes a whole plan based on breathing, explains that: "The fat is made of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, when the oxygen we breathe reaches the molecules of fat, these are broken in the form of carbon dioxide and water. The blood then collects carbon dioxide (as waste from our body) and carries it to the lungs to be expelled. The more oxygen you use, therefore, the more fat your body will burn. " 'Odditycentral' translates these statements pointing out that what actually happens thanks to the repeated inspirations and expirations is that the metabolism is accelerated. All this, together with the contraction and relaxation of the abdominal muscles that occur during the execution, can become important benefits for this area.

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