The importance of physical activity
Although in society the idea that "old age does not arrive alone" or in front of some ailment is repeated, the phrase "are the aches and pains of old age" is repeated again and again, maintaining the quality of life as they pass. Years are possible through the adoption of healthy habits, where physical activity has a preponderant role.
March 22
Third Age
Popular newspaper
At any age, regular physical activity produces enormous health benefits; but in the third age it is fundamental to prevent or reduce the advance of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, among others.
Despite the large number of scientific studies that show the advantages of physical activity in this stage of life, most of the elderly do not participate in them. And there are several prejudices that play in that sense.
To counteract this trend, the Regional Guide for the Promotion of Physical Activity "ProMover, A Lifestyle for Older Adults", the Pan American Health Organization and the Regional Office of the World Health Organization explain about the importance of staying active in old age, the benefits and barriers and myths to overcome.
The advantages
"The benefits of physical activity are well documented, there is evidence that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the highest modifiable health risks for many chronic conditions that affect older people, such as hypertension, heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, diabetes, cancer and arthritis ", is highlighted in the report.
Likewise, increasing physical activity, in any of its forms-daily activities, such as regular and rhythmic walking, housework, dance, exercise-after 60 years "has a significant positive impact on these conditions and on well-being. general ", adds.
In this framework, it is clarified that not only gains in physical health, but also in psychological to improve "quality of life, mental health, give more energy and less stress, better posture and balance and a more independent life."
Meanwhile, with regard to social advantages, "the reduction in health costs and in the burden for the caregiver" is indicated.
The myths
However, there are several myths that play against the realization of physical activity in old age. In this regard, the document lists:
.- Myth 1: You must be healthy to exercise: False. Physical activity can improve the quality of life for most elderly people and can be the most effective for people with chronic diseases.
.- Myth 2: Too old to start exercising: False. Physical activity is beneficial for all ages, including people 90 years and older.
.- Myth 3: Special clothes and equipment are needed: False. You can exercise safely and effectively with comfortable shoes and everyday clothing.
.- Myth 4: There is no achievement without pain: False. Physical activity does not need to be arduous or exhausting to obtain health benefits.
.- Myth 5: Too busy to do physical activity: False. It can be incorporated into daily activities such as walking when doing shopping, doing housework and participating in leisure activities such as dancing.
Box: The benefits
Regular physical activity reduces and prevents several diseases related to the aging process:
.- Cardiovascular system: improves myocardial performance; increases the contraction capacity of the heart muscle; increases aerobic capacity; improves the resistance; among other benefits.
.- Obesity: decreases abdominal adipose tissue; increases muscle mass; reduces the percentage of body fat.
.- Glucose: increases tolerance to glucose.
.- Osteoporosis: retards the decline in bone mineral density; increases bone density.
.- Muscles: reduces the risk of skeletal muscle disability; improves strength and flexibility.
.- Psychological: improves well-being and satisfaction.
.- Functional capacity: reduces the risk of falls due to an increase in balance, strength and flexibility; decreases the reaction time; maintains cerebral irrigation.
Importance of physical fitness and exercise for health
Having a good physical fitness allows us to efficiently perform our daily activities, while physical exercise, allows us to maintain or improve our physical form.
We talk about physical exercise when we plan, structure and repeat the physical activity we perform in order to maintain or improve the components of our physical form.
We refer to physical fitness as the ability of our body to perform efficiently, delaying the onset of fatigue and reducing the time necessary to recover various physical activities, resulting in the proper functioning of our organs, devices and systems.
Having a good physical fitness allows us to carry out our daily activities efficiently, without getting too tired, and still maintain enough energy to enjoy hobbies and face unexpected emergencies.
Our physical fitness is closely related to the following characteristics:
- The tasks we can perform.
- The ability we have to make a physical effort.
- The quality of our body in terms of its adaptation status in both normal and extremely unfavorable environmental conditions.
Different factors that determine our physical fitness:
Human beings are not perfect, and this includes our physical fitness. We can constantly find in our physical, social or biological environment any factor that affects the degree we could reach physical fitness. Some of these factors are the following:
- Age.
- Heritage
- Sex
- Lifestyle.
- Ambient.
The importance of physical exercise
Physical exercise produces important changes in the personality, such as emotional stability, self-esteem, extroversion, also improving the perception of oneself.
With regard to depression, in different research studies it has been possible to confirm an antidepressant effect of the exercise. Physical exercise, therefore, is an important therapeutic element in mild or moderate depression.
By improving mental function, autonomy, memory, speed and sense of well-being, there is stability in the personality characterized by optimism, euphoria and mental flexibility.
Physical activity programs for health
When we talk about physical activity in terms of health, we must take into account the main physical qualities that we must incorporate in each class.
General resistance, muscular strength, body flexibility, coordination and balance should be stimulated systematically and permanently.
Each of these qualities requires adequate time, progression and frequency.
In addition when we work with groups of adults these are usually heterogeneous, which forces the teacher to diagram the class device so that each student can exercise according to their possibilities. We must avoid mass classes where everyone makes the same effort and with the same intensity. That is why we say that education is an art since in each class these aspects must be combined in a cheerful and fun environment and that regardless of their physical condition everyone improves their physical fitness in a progressive and controlled manner.
It is important to know that physical activity classes for health should be guided and conducted by physical activity professionals.
The human body is designed to be in motion. In simple words, physical activity refers to the performance of all those tasks in which the body uses energy, such as walking, gardening, doing the super, climbing stairs, playing sports or dancing all night.
To benefit health, it should be carried out with an intensity that goes from moderate to vigorous. By performing vigorous exercises we can obtain better results in half the time it would take us to do it with a moderate performance. The simple fact of moving and doing simple things like shopping, or walking casually, is not enough for health effects, because this does not increase the heart rate.
Many times this concept is confused with that of Physical Exercise, but we must make the difference in that this last term is based on a Physical Activity that follows a repetition, a planning or an approach towards improving a part of our body and strengthening our conditions physical
The benefits of performing a regular Physical Activity are based on the following advantages that we list, among others:
Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
Increase calorie consumption even up to 30 minutes after the activity is done
Contrary to what is thought, reduces appetite
A physical activity accompanied by a diet with fewer calories helps to lose body fat by up to 98%
However, these benefits can be counterproductive due to an excess of physical activity in a short time and suddenly, causing cellular and physical wear and tear, as well as a greater possibility of contracting diseases by affecting the Immune System.
Combat sedentary lifestyle
According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is the fourth risk factor for death worldwide and is the main reason for diseases such as breast and colon cancer, diabetes and ischemic heart disease.
In contrast to the development of a moderate and frequent Physical Activity, we have Sedentary, being just a low or no exercise of movements in everyday activities, causing a lot of diseases and diseases.
A person with a sedentary lifestyle is prone to
• Have cardiovascular diseases.
• Get type 2 diabetes.
• Increase your cholesterol levels.
• Have high blood pressure.
• Having a heart attack.
That is why people who lead a sedentary life also have a greater tendency towards discouragement, have a frequent feeling of discomfort and tend to have a low resistance to fatigue, often feeling fatigued and with low resistance to different activities.
Maintaining physical activity on a regular basis can generate very positive changes for our lives. People of all ages, sizes, complexions and abilities can benefit as we have previously observed, and we now mention other aspects to consider:
• Increase life expectancy.
• Strengthens self-esteem.
• Reduces the chances of falling into some type of depression.
• Help to sleep better.
• Facilitates mobility.
• Strengthens bones and muscles.
• Help reach and maintain an adequate weight.
• It is a way to socialize soundly.
Activity-Physical-3 Physical activity and nutrition work together to improve health and with it the quality of life. It is also important because as we age the metabolism slows down, so to maintain a balance of energy we need to move more and feed intelligently.
The activities that favor us most
As we mentioned before, it's not just about being in movement. The frequency and above all certain types of activities help us more than others to maintain our health.
Aerobic exercises demand that we breathe more and make our heart stronger. Those that are of vigorous intensity require more effort than the moderate ones.
The activities that involve muscular work such as push-ups and lifting weights make us stronger. It is important to work on all parts of the body such as the legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders and arms, to obtain a better result. On the other hand, it is also important to perform exercises that strengthen the bones and promote growth, especially in children and adolescents. Finally, stretching activities improve physical stability and flexibility, which reduces the risk of injury. Examples are dance, yoga, martial arts and tai chi.
Myths around physical activity
Sometimes we think that being physically active is very expensive, because we need special clothes and equipment, or certain types of sports facilities. The truth is that it can be done anywhere and without the need for equipment. Simple things like walking or running are feasible almost anywhere.
Another common pretext may be the lack of time, however specialists say that dedicating a minimum of 30 minutes a day 5 days a week is more than enough.
Finally, age is not an obstacle either. Physical activity is necessary for people of all ages, from the youngest to the elderly.
Although in society the idea that "old age does not arrive alone" or in front of some ailment is repeated, the phrase "are the aches and pains of old age" is repeated again and again, maintaining the quality of life as they pass. Years are possible through the adoption of healthy habits, where physical activity has a preponderant role.
March 22
Third Age
Popular newspaper
At any age, regular physical activity produces enormous health benefits; but in the third age it is fundamental to prevent or reduce the advance of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, among others.
Despite the large number of scientific studies that show the advantages of physical activity in this stage of life, most of the elderly do not participate in them. And there are several prejudices that play in that sense.
To counteract this trend, the Regional Guide for the Promotion of Physical Activity "ProMover, A Lifestyle for Older Adults", the Pan American Health Organization and the Regional Office of the World Health Organization explain about the importance of staying active in old age, the benefits and barriers and myths to overcome.
The advantages
"The benefits of physical activity are well documented, there is evidence that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the highest modifiable health risks for many chronic conditions that affect older people, such as hypertension, heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, diabetes, cancer and arthritis ", is highlighted in the report.
Likewise, increasing physical activity, in any of its forms-daily activities, such as regular and rhythmic walking, housework, dance, exercise-after 60 years "has a significant positive impact on these conditions and on well-being. general ", adds.
In this framework, it is clarified that not only gains in physical health, but also in psychological to improve "quality of life, mental health, give more energy and less stress, better posture and balance and a more independent life."
Meanwhile, with regard to social advantages, "the reduction in health costs and in the burden for the caregiver" is indicated.
The myths
However, there are several myths that play against the realization of physical activity in old age. In this regard, the document lists:
.- Myth 1: You must be healthy to exercise: False. Physical activity can improve the quality of life for most elderly people and can be the most effective for people with chronic diseases.
.- Myth 2: Too old to start exercising: False. Physical activity is beneficial for all ages, including people 90 years and older.
.- Myth 3: Special clothes and equipment are needed: False. You can exercise safely and effectively with comfortable shoes and everyday clothing.
.- Myth 4: There is no achievement without pain: False. Physical activity does not need to be arduous or exhausting to obtain health benefits.
.- Myth 5: Too busy to do physical activity: False. It can be incorporated into daily activities such as walking when doing shopping, doing housework and participating in leisure activities such as dancing.
Box: The benefits
Regular physical activity reduces and prevents several diseases related to the aging process:
.- Cardiovascular system: improves myocardial performance; increases the contraction capacity of the heart muscle; increases aerobic capacity; improves the resistance; among other benefits.
.- Obesity: decreases abdominal adipose tissue; increases muscle mass; reduces the percentage of body fat.
.- Glucose: increases tolerance to glucose.
.- Osteoporosis: retards the decline in bone mineral density; increases bone density.
.- Muscles: reduces the risk of skeletal muscle disability; improves strength and flexibility.
.- Psychological: improves well-being and satisfaction.
.- Functional capacity: reduces the risk of falls due to an increase in balance, strength and flexibility; decreases the reaction time; maintains cerebral irrigation.
Importance of physical fitness and exercise for health
Having a good physical fitness allows us to efficiently perform our daily activities, while physical exercise, allows us to maintain or improve our physical form.
We talk about physical exercise when we plan, structure and repeat the physical activity we perform in order to maintain or improve the components of our physical form.
We refer to physical fitness as the ability of our body to perform efficiently, delaying the onset of fatigue and reducing the time necessary to recover various physical activities, resulting in the proper functioning of our organs, devices and systems.
Having a good physical fitness allows us to carry out our daily activities efficiently, without getting too tired, and still maintain enough energy to enjoy hobbies and face unexpected emergencies.
Our physical fitness is closely related to the following characteristics:
- The tasks we can perform.
- The ability we have to make a physical effort.
- The quality of our body in terms of its adaptation status in both normal and extremely unfavorable environmental conditions.
Different factors that determine our physical fitness:
Human beings are not perfect, and this includes our physical fitness. We can constantly find in our physical, social or biological environment any factor that affects the degree we could reach physical fitness. Some of these factors are the following:
- Age.
- Heritage
- Sex
- Lifestyle.
- Ambient.
The importance of physical exercise
Physical exercise produces important changes in the personality, such as emotional stability, self-esteem, extroversion, also improving the perception of oneself.
With regard to depression, in different research studies it has been possible to confirm an antidepressant effect of the exercise. Physical exercise, therefore, is an important therapeutic element in mild or moderate depression.
By improving mental function, autonomy, memory, speed and sense of well-being, there is stability in the personality characterized by optimism, euphoria and mental flexibility.
Physical activity programs for health
When we talk about physical activity in terms of health, we must take into account the main physical qualities that we must incorporate in each class.
General resistance, muscular strength, body flexibility, coordination and balance should be stimulated systematically and permanently.
Each of these qualities requires adequate time, progression and frequency.
In addition when we work with groups of adults these are usually heterogeneous, which forces the teacher to diagram the class device so that each student can exercise according to their possibilities. We must avoid mass classes where everyone makes the same effort and with the same intensity. That is why we say that education is an art since in each class these aspects must be combined in a cheerful and fun environment and that regardless of their physical condition everyone improves their physical fitness in a progressive and controlled manner.
It is important to know that physical activity classes for health should be guided and conducted by physical activity professionals.
The human body is designed to be in motion. In simple words, physical activity refers to the performance of all those tasks in which the body uses energy, such as walking, gardening, doing the super, climbing stairs, playing sports or dancing all night.
To benefit health, it should be carried out with an intensity that goes from moderate to vigorous. By performing vigorous exercises we can obtain better results in half the time it would take us to do it with a moderate performance. The simple fact of moving and doing simple things like shopping, or walking casually, is not enough for health effects, because this does not increase the heart rate.
Many times this concept is confused with that of Physical Exercise, but we must make the difference in that this last term is based on a Physical Activity that follows a repetition, a planning or an approach towards improving a part of our body and strengthening our conditions physical
The benefits of performing a regular Physical Activity are based on the following advantages that we list, among others:
Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
Increase calorie consumption even up to 30 minutes after the activity is done
Contrary to what is thought, reduces appetite
A physical activity accompanied by a diet with fewer calories helps to lose body fat by up to 98%
However, these benefits can be counterproductive due to an excess of physical activity in a short time and suddenly, causing cellular and physical wear and tear, as well as a greater possibility of contracting diseases by affecting the Immune System.
Combat sedentary lifestyle
According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is the fourth risk factor for death worldwide and is the main reason for diseases such as breast and colon cancer, diabetes and ischemic heart disease.
In contrast to the development of a moderate and frequent Physical Activity, we have Sedentary, being just a low or no exercise of movements in everyday activities, causing a lot of diseases and diseases.
A person with a sedentary lifestyle is prone to
• Have cardiovascular diseases.
• Get type 2 diabetes.
• Increase your cholesterol levels.
• Have high blood pressure.
• Having a heart attack.
That is why people who lead a sedentary life also have a greater tendency towards discouragement, have a frequent feeling of discomfort and tend to have a low resistance to fatigue, often feeling fatigued and with low resistance to different activities.
Maintaining physical activity on a regular basis can generate very positive changes for our lives. People of all ages, sizes, complexions and abilities can benefit as we have previously observed, and we now mention other aspects to consider:
• Increase life expectancy.
• Strengthens self-esteem.
• Reduces the chances of falling into some type of depression.
• Help to sleep better.
• Facilitates mobility.
• Strengthens bones and muscles.
• Help reach and maintain an adequate weight.
• It is a way to socialize soundly.
Activity-Physical-3 Physical activity and nutrition work together to improve health and with it the quality of life. It is also important because as we age the metabolism slows down, so to maintain a balance of energy we need to move more and feed intelligently.
The activities that favor us most
As we mentioned before, it's not just about being in movement. The frequency and above all certain types of activities help us more than others to maintain our health.
Aerobic exercises demand that we breathe more and make our heart stronger. Those that are of vigorous intensity require more effort than the moderate ones.
The activities that involve muscular work such as push-ups and lifting weights make us stronger. It is important to work on all parts of the body such as the legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders and arms, to obtain a better result. On the other hand, it is also important to perform exercises that strengthen the bones and promote growth, especially in children and adolescents. Finally, stretching activities improve physical stability and flexibility, which reduces the risk of injury. Examples are dance, yoga, martial arts and tai chi.
Myths around physical activity
Sometimes we think that being physically active is very expensive, because we need special clothes and equipment, or certain types of sports facilities. The truth is that it can be done anywhere and without the need for equipment. Simple things like walking or running are feasible almost anywhere.
Another common pretext may be the lack of time, however specialists say that dedicating a minimum of 30 minutes a day 5 days a week is more than enough.
Finally, age is not an obstacle either. Physical activity is necessary for people of all ages, from the youngest to the elderly.
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