How To Be Rich In A Little Time The Best Habits and Tips top five steps to be rich

How to be rich in a short time is a question that many people ask themselves.

This is possible, but how?

Different from what Brazilian culture preaches, to be rich, you do not necessarily have to look rich.

Many people find that splurging and splitting their purchases on the card gives them wealth status.

However, a person who studies about investments and applies such knowledge can be much richer. For she is acquiring assets that will make her some money in the future, instead of accumulating accounts that will diminish her equity in the future.

So we've prepared this text for you to know how to get there. In this article, you will:

# To Know How To Be Rich

# Find Out How To Be Rich In A Little Time: 11 Habits

Getting Defined What Is Being Rich For You
Good reading!
Different from what our culture preaches, being rich is not just having a car, traveling abroad or having a mansion, for example.

True rich people are not those who simply consume things, quite the opposite. The idea is that they end up consuming just because they are rich, and most of the times they do it in a conscious way.

Therefore, we believe that being rich is to acquire something that is capable of generating some return for you.

The best way to do this can be applied in investments, but do not forget that with them, you will not always have very short term returns. It will all depend on your goals. But most of the time, investments require you to have patience.

One way to find out what the best investment for you is by having a financial plan . In addition, it is ideal that you always look for more knowledge to invest with more intelligence, security, and practicality. This can help you achieve wealth.

We know that the financial world can seem complicated, and that's why we here in Rico always provide educational materials so you can understand investing simply, without finances. And with that, start doing more for your money.

How To Be Rich In A Little Time: 11 Habits
Check out now the most important habits you must take to become rich in a short time:

1. Set your goals

First of all, we recommend that you conduct financial planning. That way, you will be able to set goals and goals to be achieved.

But remember: this is important for you to be a bit strict.

So, define your  short-, medium- and long-term goals and stay focused. Setting these goals will help you choose the investments that best suit them. For each objective, there is an ideal investment.

If you extrapolate your spending goal for a month, for example, do not give up and make up for the next.

It is very important that you do not lose your ultimate goal of sight and remain true to your planning.

2. Draw Action Plans

With its clear goals, drawing action plans is fundamental in the "how to be rich" journey.

So, list what needs to be done to reach your goals and set a deadline for completing each of those tasks. That way, you'll be able to stay as faithful as possible to your plans.

3. Pay your debts

It is critical that you clear your debts before you think about getting rich. This is because they greatly disrupt the process of enrichment. So, use the planning part too to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

If necessary, you can think of renegotiating them. For example, you can live in an apartment that is compatible with your receipts. Or swap your car for a more economical model. It is critical that you stop creating obstacles between yourself and wealth, and put changes into practice in order to be able to set aside more money at the end of each month.

Always try to raise money to make your purchases in sight. In addition to avoiding long installments, this habit can end up causing you to get good discounts.

The compound interest is wonderful when they work in your favor, but it can be overwhelming when they're against you. So keep your card always up to date and use it only if you have self-control for it.

4. Get acquainted

Usually, wealthy people are always studying about the financial market. Who does not have this habit can end up losing everything at a certain point or falling into financial schemes, for example?

By getting into the habit of constantly studying investment, you are increasingly prepared to take advantage of market opportunities and leverage your bottom line.

5. Practice networking

Networking is nothing more than meeting new people who can help and be helped by you at one point.

Many business ideas and opportunities can arise when you talk to someone who has a mind similar to yours, for example.

And this can happen when it comes to entrepreneurship, investment or any other topic you have to share.

So, whenever you can, meet new people, exchange experiences and exchange knowledge.

These small actions can end up multiplying your results in both personal and financial life.

So always be aware of those moments and talk to as many people as you can, especially those who have the same ideas and goals as yours or who have already achieved them.

6. Seek to be better every day

Seeking to be better every day may not seem like a common answer to the question, "How to be rich?".

However, one of the easiest ways to succeed in any area of ​​your life is by developing your skills. That is, seeking to be better every day.

For this, you need to analyze yourself to understand what you do best and what areas of knowledge you need most to develop and improve

Do not forget that no one is born knowing all the things they need. So, roll up your sleeves and work on your personal development.

Make no mistake about finding that a rich person has only the gift to enrich.

Make sure that one of the steps of how to be rich is to separate some time each day to study in order to be very good at a particular activity, such as investments, for example.

7. Learn to Save

To know how to be rich, you need to understand that the habit of saving is very important in this process.

So start "taking note" of all your spending to understand what you are spending and how to lower those expenses.

You can also make use of ready-made spreadsheets and specific applications for this. Regardless of the method chosen, performing some kind of control is very important, even with a paper and a pen.

Spending less than you earn is not a complicated task when you know exactly how you are spending your money. In this way, it is easy to identify the waste of money and change that reality.

8. Organize your finances

To know how to be rich in fact, in addition to saving, you need to control your finances.

Do not forget that you do not control what you do not see .

So if you do not have the habit of checking your bank statements frequently, for example, it will be very difficult to manage your assets well enough to accumulate capital.

That way, it is critical that you always look at your finances in order to know exactly what is happening in your bank account.

Does it seem absurd? But, believe me, many people almost never look at their bank accounts and then get "surprises" when they find out that there is a diamond on the overdraft.

How to Get Rich in 5 Simple and Guaranteed Steps!
I'm sure you have a noble motive for getting rich: I want to get rich to give my children peace of mind, to live and retire in greater comfort, or to help other people. That is why I have prepared this guide: to ensure that you will succeed in this endeavor. After all, there are several ways to get rich, but not all accessible to anyone.

A football player or a country singer could teach you how to get rich in a short time, but the formula would probably not work, because you have different abilities from them and your life opportunity has not yet come to them.

But the truth is that such a chance of life is a matter of luck, and if you depend on it to get rich, you are most likely to be poor. What you really need is a generic guide to getting rich, step by step, with techniques that apply to anyone.

In the beginning, this article taught only how to get rich in your current profession, as you will see below. Giving you the opportunity, on the last step of the way, to achieve financial independence (which brings immense freedom), exchange your work for the activities that produce money and at the same time the sense of personal fulfillment.

However, for some time now we realized that it was possible to seek this personal fulfillment in parallel with the conventional work already in the present (!) And in a few years (say, five), with commitment and focus, you change your work that is a burden sorry if you are not among the 99% of the population disappointed with the job) for an activity that is enjoyable and offers good financial return.

Therefore, in addition to the steps below, which you must follow, we indicate that you start in parallel with your search for money with personal fulfillment. All the details of how to do this, and create a legitimate shortcut to happiness, we are putting in our new project, totally non-profit (for real!)

Create Wealth Building Habits
We have the illusion that we are in control of our actions all the time. But this is, as it were, an illusion. In fact, the overwhelming majority of our actions are taken through habits, and these are unconscious, triggered by mental triggers created in the past.

In this article on habits, I explain the relationship between habits we have formed and professional success (citing an example of a person who has lost opportunities because of poor work habits).

So the first step you must take on your road to a better life and get rich once and for all is to totally reprogram your habits: eliminate counterproductive habits like using Facebook and Whatsapp all day and for worthless reasons, trading them for habits that increase their ability to produce wealth.

By learning to establish good habits, you can choose which habits you want to have. This will be crucial so that you can reach the other steps in this guide, such as establishing the habit of saving and investing, for example.

Attention: good habits directly influence your whole life. Life habits such as healthy eating and exercise influence their self-esteem, self-confidence, learning ability, body posture, public image, and so on. Therefore, good habits of life (besides good financial habits) will also facilitate your quest for professional success.
Getting rich by saving money? Yes
2Learn what you have learned about habits and put it into practice. Eliminate consumer spending habits and set a healthy spending floor so you can save money, buy only what will really bring you the most (real) benefits.

 Do you do impulse buying at places like convenience stores? I do not. Convenience store for me is desperation shop. The last time I entered one was to buy a bottle of cold water in the middle of a kilometer. Anyone who enters a convenience store to buy chips or chocolates does not have a millionaire profile (only if he or she is an heir).

 Did you see an electronic device or appliance in the window (or on the television) and bought immediately? Really, your case is difficult, but we have to try. In our house, it takes at least a month to decide to buy any electronic. The risk of getting caught up in a short time is great, so we only buy when we are sure of the need and after researching prices on several websites and in at least one street store.

 Do you (man or woman) hang out at the mall every weekend? Or do you drink with friends and a barbecue every weekend? Besides compromising your health, it compromises your pocket. Perhaps it is time to seek new friendships, those that enrich us as people. I have friends who ride bikes and drink coconut water on Sunday morning, for example. I do not want to teach anyone, on this subject, you do whatever you want. I'm just trying, with great effort, to teach tips to get rich (is not that your goal?).

Keep track of your spending and just buy what you need. If you have a rather pleasurable but expensive habit or leisure, replace it with one that is as enjoyable as it is, but cheap. I am sure you will find several ways to replace.

See in this article 4 situations where there are pitfalls to suck your money.
Learn how to eliminate bank charges:
Open an Electronic Account, or online account, which is free of charge for DOC and TED!
Have a credit card with no annuities, like Nubank!
But, if you prefer to flaunt then it is a psychological problem. I can only give you a therapist for your inferiority complex.
To make more money, be smarter.
3 Smarter people earn more. We live in a meritocracy, even if it is not perfect (since we are not given the same opportunities at all).

Thus, the tendency is for those who are more prepared and more skilled to be more valued and therefore receive more. "I want to get rich quick ..." Okay, but are you cunning enough to realize the opportunities that appear? The best thing is to get rich slowly, consciously and with a consistent plan.

So start getting smarter: study, train yourself, train your brain so it responds better to day-to-day problems. In this article on brain exercises, I cite studies that point to being able to raise a person's IQ when they train their brains properly.

Do not be lazy, learn to learn (that is, develop your fluid intelligence).
How to get rich by investing well
So you're already setting good habits and you're already saving. Congratulations! You should now develop financial planning and seek to implement it, preferably by seeking the most profitable investments on the market. After all, there is no magic to get rich, there is, yes, a science to get rich.

I see you're not an expert on finance. Okay, 99% of Brazilians do not understand at least the notion of anatocism (chic word for compound interest), if you already understand the exponential power of compound interest gain, we already have a great starting point!

And the problem is that the 1% who try to learn, get the indication of some traditional economic theory, written by foreigners and keeps repeating, without analyzing whether what works out there is the same thing that works here. That's why I had to discover very hard that many traditional concepts do not apply to Brazil and that there are ways to get rich here that do not exist out there (so this is a guide for Brazilians only).

For example, there is a thesis that riskier investments must pay the greatest return. It's a kind of insurance to make up for the risk you run. Thus, in the Liabilities of a company, there is equity (remunerated with profits) and the capital of third parties (remunerated with interest). Third-party funds pay a fixed amount, supposedly lower than equity, which is subject to business risk.

However, Brazilian fixed income contradicts the whole theory. If you plot a CDI against the Ibovespa since the beginning of the Real Plan, the CDI wins. If you decide to chart only after 2000 or 2002 since before the interest rates were in the stratosphere, guess: CDI wins again.

It is true that there are periods when the Ibovespa grows at a rapid rate, but then there are periods when it goes sideways or even falls (the Ibovespa, do not misunderstand me, it is very lucrative.The issue is that our fixed income is incomparable, turbinated, with nothing like it all over the world).
Anyway, this is a Brazilian guide on how to get rich. For in no other country in the world is it as easy to get rich as here. No risk you need to run! And if you know how to choose a fixed income, such as those that pay up to 30% more than DI, it becomes cowardice. Investments in variable income, in general, do not even pay for coffee with bread (so we only invest in the Stock Exchange against all theories: with timing and a highly selective stock picking, that is, avoiding ETFs).
Well, the guide is aimed at how the Brazilian gets rich, but he has a lot of gringos who do not "respect" this nationality issue (laugh!), Carry trade and take advantage of the chance that the Brazilian lets pass. domestic savings of the Brazilian is less than 20%, while in China, it is 44%, data for 2011).

Here in Brazil, when you teach personal finances, you have to tell the Brazilian to save 10 or 20% of your income. If the same specialist lived in South Korea, he would probably talk 35%.

But what is carry trade? As the Brazilian's savings are not enough to make the necessary investments, it is necessary for the gringo to contribute money. He takes money at low-interest rates out there, lends it here with high interest, pockets the difference without taking anything out of his pocket and gets rich, I mean, a millionaire with the silliness that we are giving. Apart from the moments of crisis (when it is necessary to buy a future dollar to guarantee profitability), the gringo's recipe is a beauty.
How to be rich and work with what you want
5If you have learned to spend and invest wisely, reflecting on what you are told, not just repeating the mantras of the financial market, you begin to accumulate wealth.

Who has controlled spending and starts to accumulate assets, leaves the field of needs (where everything is done "because it is necessary") and starts to make choices. This is why the term financial independence is used because the person becomes autonomous, that is, he begins to make his choices.

At this stage of financial independence, you will have the peace of mind to imagine, plan and execute a personal project, including generating new sources of income. It can be high-level professional training, it can be a new business, it can even mean dropping your current job and starting a new venture from scratch that gives you pleasure.

Cases of people who leave a career to follow a dream, seem of great courage and adventure. But if you followed the two previous steps we mentioned, you will avoid falling into this trap where Antonio Marcello fell, from getting rich quick, accumulating endless projects and tasks (instead of accumulating wealth wisely), accelerating life has it stopped and thought that if we accelerate too much life, what we do is just about faster approaching the end of it?) and posing more important issues like health and family second.

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