How To Be Rich In A Little Time The Best Habits and Tips top five steps to be rich

How to be rich in a short time is a question that many people ask themselves.

This is possible, but how?

Different from what Brazilian culture preaches, to be rich, you do not necessarily have to look rich.

Many people find that splurging and splitting their purchases on the card gives them wealth status.

However, a person who studies about investments and applies such knowledge can be much richer. For she is acquiring assets that will make her some money in the future, instead of accumulating accounts that will diminish her equity in the future.

So we've prepared this text for you to know how to get there. In this article, you will:

# To Know How To Be Rich

# Find Out How To Be Rich In A Little Time: 11 Habits

Getting Defined What Is Being Rich For You
Good reading!
Different from what our culture preaches, being rich is not just having a car, traveling abroad or having a mansion, for example.

True rich people are not those who simply consume things, quite the opposite. The idea is that they end up consuming just because they are rich, and most of the times they do it in a conscious way.

Therefore, we believe that being rich is to acquire something that is capable of generating some return for you.

The best way to do this can be applied in investments, but do not forget that with them, you will not always have very short term returns. It will all depend on your goals. But most of the time, investments require you to have patience.

One way to find out what the best investment for you is by having a financial plan . In addition, it is ideal that you always look for more knowledge to invest with more intelligence, security, and practicality. This can help you achieve wealth.

We know that the financial world can seem complicated, and that's why we here in Rico always provide educational materials so you can understand investing simply, without finances. And with that, start doing more for your money.

How To Be Rich In A Little Time: 11 Habits
Check out now the most important habits you must take to become rich in a short time:

1. Set your goals

First of all, we recommend that you conduct financial planning. That way, you will be able to set goals and goals to be achieved.

But remember: this is important for you to be a bit strict.

So, define your  short-, medium- and long-term goals and stay focused. Setting these goals will help you choose the investments that best suit them. For each objective, there is an ideal investment.

If you extrapolate your spending goal for a month, for example, do not give up and make up for the next.

It is very important that you do not lose your ultimate goal of sight and remain true to your planning.

2. Draw Action Plans

With its clear goals, drawing action plans is fundamental in the "how to be rich" journey.

So, list what needs to be done to reach your goals and set a deadline for completing each of those tasks. That way, you'll be able to stay as faithful as possible to your plans.

3. Pay your debts

It is critical that you clear your debts before you think about getting rich. This is because they greatly disrupt the process of enrichment. So, use the planning part too to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

If necessary, you can think of renegotiating them. For example, you can live in an apartment that is compatible with your receipts. Or swap your car for a more economical model. It is critical that you stop creating obstacles between yourself and wealth, and put changes into practice in order to be able to set aside more money at the end of each month.

Always try to raise money to make your purchases in sight. In addition to avoiding long installments, this habit can end up causing you to get good discounts.

The compound interest is wonderful when they work in your favor, but it can be overwhelming when they're against you. So keep your card always up to date and use it only if you have self-control for it.

4. Get acquainted

Usually, wealthy people are always studying about the financial market. Who does not have this habit can end up losing everything at a certain point or falling into financial schemes, for example?

By getting into the habit of constantly studying investment, you are increasingly prepared to take advantage of market opportunities and leverage your bottom line.

5. Practice networking

Networking is nothing more than meeting new people who can help and be helped by you at one point.

Many business ideas and opportunities can arise when you talk to someone who has a mind similar to yours, for example.

And this can happen when it comes to entrepreneurship, investment or any other topic you have to share.

So, whenever you can, meet new people, exchange experiences and exchange knowledge.

These small actions can end up multiplying your results in both personal and financial life.

So always be aware of those moments and talk to as many people as you can, especially those who have the same ideas and goals as yours or who have already achieved them.

6. Seek to be better every day

Seeking to be better every day may not seem like a common answer to the question, "How to be rich?".

However, one of the easiest ways to succeed in any area of ​​your life is by developing your skills. That is, seeking to be better every day.

For this, you need to analyze yourself to understand what you do best and what areas of knowledge you need most to develop and improve

Do not forget that no one is born knowing all the things they need. So, roll up your sleeves and work on your personal development.

Make no mistake about finding that a rich person has only the gift to enrich.

Make sure that one of the steps of how to be rich is to separate some time each day to study in order to be very good at a particular activity, such as investments, for example.

7. Learn to Save

To know how to be rich, you need to understand that the habit of saving is very important in this process.

So start "taking note" of all your spending to understand what you are spending and how to lower those expenses.

You can also make use of ready-made spreadsheets and specific applications for this. Regardless of the method chosen, performing some kind of control is very important, even with a paper and a pen.

Spending less than you earn is not a complicated task when you know exactly how you are spending your money. In this way, it is easy to identify the waste of money and change that reality.

8. Organize your finances

To know how to be rich in fact, in addition to saving, you need to control your finances.

Do not forget that you do not control what you do not see .

So if you do not have the habit of checking your bank statements frequently, for example, it will be very difficult to manage your assets well enough to accumulate capital.

That way, it is critical that you always look at your finances in order to know exactly what is happening in your bank account.

Does it seem absurd? But, believe me, many people almost never look at their bank accounts and then get "surprises" when they find out that there is a diamond on the overdraft.

How to Get Rich in 5 Simple and Guaranteed Steps!
I'm sure you have a noble motive for getting rich: I want to get rich to give my children peace of mind, to live and retire in greater comfort, or to help other people. That is why I have prepared this guide: to ensure that you will succeed in this endeavor. After all, there are several ways to get rich, but not all accessible to anyone.

A football player or a country singer could teach you how to get rich in a short time, but the formula would probably not work, because you have different abilities from them and your life opportunity has not yet come to them.

But the truth is that such a chance of life is a matter of luck, and if you depend on it to get rich, you are most likely to be poor. What you really need is a generic guide to getting rich, step by step, with techniques that apply to anyone.

In the beginning, this article taught only how to get rich in your current profession, as you will see below. Giving you the opportunity, on the last step of the way, to achieve financial independence (which brings immense freedom), exchange your work for the activities that produce money and at the same time the sense of personal fulfillment.

However, for some time now we realized that it was possible to seek this personal fulfillment in parallel with the conventional work already in the present (!) And in a few years (say, five), with commitment and focus, you change your work that is a burden sorry if you are not among the 99% of the population disappointed with the job) for an activity that is enjoyable and offers good financial return.

Therefore, in addition to the steps below, which you must follow, we indicate that you start in parallel with your search for money with personal fulfillment. All the details of how to do this, and create a legitimate shortcut to happiness, we are putting in our new project, totally non-profit (for real!)

Create Wealth Building Habits
We have the illusion that we are in control of our actions all the time. But this is, as it were, an illusion. In fact, the overwhelming majority of our actions are taken through habits, and these are unconscious, triggered by mental triggers created in the past.

In this article on habits, I explain the relationship between habits we have formed and professional success (citing an example of a person who has lost opportunities because of poor work habits).

So the first step you must take on your road to a better life and get rich once and for all is to totally reprogram your habits: eliminate counterproductive habits like using Facebook and Whatsapp all day and for worthless reasons, trading them for habits that increase their ability to produce wealth.

By learning to establish good habits, you can choose which habits you want to have. This will be crucial so that you can reach the other steps in this guide, such as establishing the habit of saving and investing, for example.

Attention: good habits directly influence your whole life. Life habits such as healthy eating and exercise influence their self-esteem, self-confidence, learning ability, body posture, public image, and so on. Therefore, good habits of life (besides good financial habits) will also facilitate your quest for professional success.
Getting rich by saving money? Yes
2Learn what you have learned about habits and put it into practice. Eliminate consumer spending habits and set a healthy spending floor so you can save money, buy only what will really bring you the most (real) benefits.

 Do you do impulse buying at places like convenience stores? I do not. Convenience store for me is desperation shop. The last time I entered one was to buy a bottle of cold water in the middle of a kilometer. Anyone who enters a convenience store to buy chips or chocolates does not have a millionaire profile (only if he or she is an heir).

 Did you see an electronic device or appliance in the window (or on the television) and bought immediately? Really, your case is difficult, but we have to try. In our house, it takes at least a month to decide to buy any electronic. The risk of getting caught up in a short time is great, so we only buy when we are sure of the need and after researching prices on several websites and in at least one street store.

 Do you (man or woman) hang out at the mall every weekend? Or do you drink with friends and a barbecue every weekend? Besides compromising your health, it compromises your pocket. Perhaps it is time to seek new friendships, those that enrich us as people. I have friends who ride bikes and drink coconut water on Sunday morning, for example. I do not want to teach anyone, on this subject, you do whatever you want. I'm just trying, with great effort, to teach tips to get rich (is not that your goal?).

Keep track of your spending and just buy what you need. If you have a rather pleasurable but expensive habit or leisure, replace it with one that is as enjoyable as it is, but cheap. I am sure you will find several ways to replace.

See in this article 4 situations where there are pitfalls to suck your money.
Learn how to eliminate bank charges:
Open an Electronic Account, or online account, which is free of charge for DOC and TED!
Have a credit card with no annuities, like Nubank!
But, if you prefer to flaunt then it is a psychological problem. I can only give you a therapist for your inferiority complex.
To make more money, be smarter.
3 Smarter people earn more. We live in a meritocracy, even if it is not perfect (since we are not given the same opportunities at all).

Thus, the tendency is for those who are more prepared and more skilled to be more valued and therefore receive more. "I want to get rich quick ..." Okay, but are you cunning enough to realize the opportunities that appear? The best thing is to get rich slowly, consciously and with a consistent plan.

So start getting smarter: study, train yourself, train your brain so it responds better to day-to-day problems. In this article on brain exercises, I cite studies that point to being able to raise a person's IQ when they train their brains properly.

Do not be lazy, learn to learn (that is, develop your fluid intelligence).
How to get rich by investing well
So you're already setting good habits and you're already saving. Congratulations! You should now develop financial planning and seek to implement it, preferably by seeking the most profitable investments on the market. After all, there is no magic to get rich, there is, yes, a science to get rich.

I see you're not an expert on finance. Okay, 99% of Brazilians do not understand at least the notion of anatocism (chic word for compound interest), if you already understand the exponential power of compound interest gain, we already have a great starting point!

And the problem is that the 1% who try to learn, get the indication of some traditional economic theory, written by foreigners and keeps repeating, without analyzing whether what works out there is the same thing that works here. That's why I had to discover very hard that many traditional concepts do not apply to Brazil and that there are ways to get rich here that do not exist out there (so this is a guide for Brazilians only).

For example, there is a thesis that riskier investments must pay the greatest return. It's a kind of insurance to make up for the risk you run. Thus, in the Liabilities of a company, there is equity (remunerated with profits) and the capital of third parties (remunerated with interest). Third-party funds pay a fixed amount, supposedly lower than equity, which is subject to business risk.

However, Brazilian fixed income contradicts the whole theory. If you plot a CDI against the Ibovespa since the beginning of the Real Plan, the CDI wins. If you decide to chart only after 2000 or 2002 since before the interest rates were in the stratosphere, guess: CDI wins again.

It is true that there are periods when the Ibovespa grows at a rapid rate, but then there are periods when it goes sideways or even falls (the Ibovespa, do not misunderstand me, it is very lucrative.The issue is that our fixed income is incomparable, turbinated, with nothing like it all over the world).
Anyway, this is a Brazilian guide on how to get rich. For in no other country in the world is it as easy to get rich as here. No risk you need to run! And if you know how to choose a fixed income, such as those that pay up to 30% more than DI, it becomes cowardice. Investments in variable income, in general, do not even pay for coffee with bread (so we only invest in the Stock Exchange against all theories: with timing and a highly selective stock picking, that is, avoiding ETFs).
Well, the guide is aimed at how the Brazilian gets rich, but he has a lot of gringos who do not "respect" this nationality issue (laugh!), Carry trade and take advantage of the chance that the Brazilian lets pass. domestic savings of the Brazilian is less than 20%, while in China, it is 44%, data for 2011).

Here in Brazil, when you teach personal finances, you have to tell the Brazilian to save 10 or 20% of your income. If the same specialist lived in South Korea, he would probably talk 35%.

But what is carry trade? As the Brazilian's savings are not enough to make the necessary investments, it is necessary for the gringo to contribute money. He takes money at low-interest rates out there, lends it here with high interest, pockets the difference without taking anything out of his pocket and gets rich, I mean, a millionaire with the silliness that we are giving. Apart from the moments of crisis (when it is necessary to buy a future dollar to guarantee profitability), the gringo's recipe is a beauty.
How to be rich and work with what you want
5If you have learned to spend and invest wisely, reflecting on what you are told, not just repeating the mantras of the financial market, you begin to accumulate wealth.

Who has controlled spending and starts to accumulate assets, leaves the field of needs (where everything is done "because it is necessary") and starts to make choices. This is why the term financial independence is used because the person becomes autonomous, that is, he begins to make his choices.

At this stage of financial independence, you will have the peace of mind to imagine, plan and execute a personal project, including generating new sources of income. It can be high-level professional training, it can be a new business, it can even mean dropping your current job and starting a new venture from scratch that gives you pleasure.

Cases of people who leave a career to follow a dream, seem of great courage and adventure. But if you followed the two previous steps we mentioned, you will avoid falling into this trap where Antonio Marcello fell, from getting rich quick, accumulating endless projects and tasks (instead of accumulating wealth wisely), accelerating life has it stopped and thought that if we accelerate too much life, what we do is just about faster approaching the end of it?) and posing more important issues like health and family second.

10 amazing summer outfits for college

The hot season is here and we continue in classes and we do not even know what to wear to be comfortable in class but without losing style.

In Mujer de 10 we always want to be fashionable but also comfortable

Check out these 10 amazing summer outfits for college
The color white for the heat is excellent, since it will make you feel fresh all day, do not forget to combine it with some denim jacket to make you look more fashionable

Awesome for a school day!
But if you want a more formal look you can change the denim jacket for a blazer and thus give a final presentation in a very fashion and you will not be dying of heat.

A dress is always a good choice, remember to wear with comfortable shoes.
And check that the length is adequate to go to classes.
And if you want something lighter you can use a long skirt with lightweight fabric.

Combine it with a white blouse and you'll have the perfect look for a warm afternoon
Baggy pants are also an excellent option.

They are comfortable and super light, so you will not be sweating all day.
A kimono is also super fashion and you can see beautiful with jeans and a casual blouse.
You do not need much to see super fashion

       A denim skirt with any blouse or shirt can also look great for a hot day

exercises for back pain treatment for lower back pain lower back exercises at home

Back pain is a symptom that we all suffer at some time, caused mainly by the bad postures that we adopt when sitting and in many occasions also while we walk.

Like almost 80% of the western world, the majority of the sedentary population suffers from this discomfort and many people suffer from it almost daily, chronically. As a general rule the best remedy to relieve back pain is to practice certain exercises with gentle movements that help us feel better.

The Mayo Clinic, one of the most prestigious in the United States, considered by many as the first in the country and a pioneer in the treatment of many ailments, recommends a series of stretching and strengthening exercises that relieve and reinforce our backs. They are very simple exercises that we can do in our house and in which we will not use more than fifteen minutes a day.

If you have time, it is good to do these exercises once in the morning when you wake up and once in the evening.

Foot to the chest. Lying on your stomach with your feet resting on the floor and your knees bent, bring one knee to your chest with your hands. Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds and change legs. Repeat the exercise about 10 times with each leg.

Feet to the chest. It is an exercise very similar to the previous one, with the only difference that instead of alternating the legs, we put them together and try to approach the chest at the same time.

Lying on your back, with your feet resting on the floor and your knees bent, join both legs, so that they are a single block. Always keeping your shoulders on the ground throughout the exercise, turn your hips to play with both knees to one side and another of your body. Repeat the exercise 5 times for each side.

We start the exercise in the same position as the previous ones. Lying on your back with your feet planted on the floor and your knees bent, we raise the gluteus of the floor a few centimeters and hold the position for 5 seconds. We relax resting again on the floor and tighten the abdomen as if to touch the navel to the floor. We hold the position for a few seconds and relax, to start the full movement again. Repeat the exercise at least eight times and go increasing the repetitions as you can.

On your knees and resting your hands on the floor, as if you were on all fours, push your lumbar and abdomen to the floor, while you raise your head and shoulders. Then perform the opposite movement, raise your abdomen and lumbar as if wanting to touch the ceiling. Repeat the exercise at least 8 times.

Sitting on the floor, with one leg stretched across the other leg above the knee to pose the foot of the leg crossed on the floor. Grab the knee of the crossed leg with the elbow of the opposite arm and pull it backwards. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds and repeat with the opposite leg. Do the exercise at least three times with each leg.
Sitting on a stool with a straight back, try to pull your shoulders back, hold your posture for a few seconds and return to your normal position. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

I think the most important exercise not so much to eliminate discomfort but so that they do not return are those that help strengthen your middle zone. So lie on your stomach with your forearms resting on the ground on one side and on the balls of your feet on the other. Squeeze the abdomen strong and try to hold at least 15 seconds and progress to 30 seconds.

Who has not experienced an insufferable back pain? Poor postures throughout the day, anxiety and stress, excess weight and even how we walk are factors that can cause this delicate area to be exposed to more or less intense discomfort. And it is estimated that almost 85% of the western population has back problems due to different causes. Obviously, these data are accentuated when the population is sedentary, has no healthy habits, does not play sports and does not follow any healthy eating guidelines.

- Lee: Bad postures that cause back pain
- Lee: How to take care of your posture at work to avoid injuries
But, to end these pains do not need sports routines of one hour, much less abuse of painkillers. Simply modify our routine slightly. For example, we can get up every hour and a half of work to stretch our legs, give us a brief two-minute walk down the hall and sit down again. Another idea would be to reduce our lack of activity: the time we spend on the couch watching television, for example. The ideal would be to take advantage of the daily activities to walk, if you have to go buy bread, for example, we can go for a walk and walk 20 minutes instead of five.

Regarding food, if our back hurts continuously, it is probably because we have some extra kilo in the abdominal area. Therefore, if we reduce the intake of fats and alcohol throughout the week, we will surely reduce that abdominal perimeter and our back will not suffer as much.
- Lee: Foods that will help you get a flat stomach
These tips will help us improve our back problems a lot, but if we combine it with these exercises that we propose, you will feel great and you will be able to completely finish with the back discomfort.
Knee to the chest (I). Face up, feet resting on the floor and knees bent in a pyramid shape. Bring one knee to your chest with the help of your hands while the other leg is on the stretched floor. You should notice that the lower back (the lower part of the back) is stretched. Hold the stretch position for 15 seconds and change legs. We should do this exercise three times with each leg.
Knees to the chest (II). Same modus operandi as the previous exercise, but doing it with both knees at the same time. Repeat three times and hold the stretch for 15 seconds.
Hip rotation (see image). Face up, feet resting on the floor and knees forming a pyramid. Join both legs as if they were tied, and keep the upper body still (from the waist up), and bring the knees in a block to the side (this movement is facilitated by the hip). When the legs touch the ground, hold for 10 seconds and bring the legs to the other side with a smooth and quiet movement. It will be enough to do this exercise three times with each side.
The posture of the cat (see image). In quadruped position, the back straight and the view nailed to the ground. Make sure head, neck and back are fully aligned. The movement is as follows: bend your sword upwards - like a cat when it feels threatened - for 10 seconds, hold up and return to the starting position. It will be enough to do it three times.
- In addition: The best exercises to strengthen the back
Finally, we will finish our routine doing some breaths that will help us achieve a pleasant feeling of tranquility and relaxation, while you will feel your back slack and a generalized relief throughout the body. To notice all the benefits of deep breathing, follow these steps.
Sit, back straight, eyes closed and mouth closed. Inhale the air through your nose while you count up to four.
Hold your breath for five seconds.
Exhale slowly while you count to ten. Repeat the entire sequence three more times.
Article written by the team of sports professionals of Infinit Fitness gyms.

Prescription drug abuse Signs of drug use and adolescents

Prescription drug abuse
General description
The abuse of prescription drugs is the use for purposes not provided by the health professional who prescribed them. Abuse of prescription drugs or their problematic use ranges from taking a painkiller from your friend for back pain to inhaling or injecting crushed pills to drug you. Drug abuse can become chronic and compulsive, despite the negative consequences.

The abuse of prescription drugs, a growing problem, can affect all age groups, including adolescents. The most frequently prescribed prescription drugs include opioid analgesics, sedatives, anxiolytic medications and stimulants.

Early identification of prescription drug abuse and early intervention can prevent the problem from becoming an addiction.

The signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse depend on the specific medication. Due to its properties to affect the mind, the most commonly abused prescription drugs are the following:

Opioids used to treat pain, for example, medicines that contain oxycodone, such as Oxycontin and Percocet, and those that contain hydrocodone, such as Norco.
Anxiolytic and sedative medications, such as alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium), and hypnotics, such as zolpidem (Ambien), which are used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders.
Stimulants, such as methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta and others), dexamfetamine and amphetamine (Adderall XR, Mydayis), and dexamfetamine (Dexedrine), which are used to treat attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and certain disorders of the dream.
Signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse
Opioids Medications anxiolytics and sedatives Stimulants
Excited mood (euphoria)
Slow respiratory rate
Little coordination
Need higher doses to relieve pain
Worsening or greater sensitivity to pain with higher doses (hyperalgesia)
Instability while walking
Incomprehensible speech
Concentration problems
Problems with memory
Slow breathing
Increased alertness
Mood excited
Irregular heartbeat
High blood pressure
High body temperature
Decreased appetite
Other signs include the following:

Steal, forge or sell recipes
Take higher doses than prescribed
Excessive mood swings or hostility
Increase or decrease of sleep hours
Unwise decision making
Show yourself with excited mood, being unusually energetic or accelerated, or sedated
Request early replacements or "lose" recipes constantly, so it is necessary to issue more recipes
Request recipes from more than one doctor
When should you see a doctor?
Talk to your doctor if you think you may have a problem with the use of prescription drugs. You may be embarrassed to talk about it, but remember that medical professionals are trained to help you, not judge you. It is easier to deal with the issue in advance before it becomes an addiction and generates a more serious problem.

Adolescents and adults abuse prescription drugs for a variety of reasons, such as the following:

Feeling good or getting high
Relax or relieve tensions
Reduce appetite or increase alertness
Experience the mental effects of the substance
Maintain an addiction and prevent abstinence
Be accepted by peers or socialize
Try to improve concentration and academic or work performance
Risk factor's
Some people fear becoming addicted to prescription drugs for medical conditions, such as the analgesics indicated after surgery. But you can reduce the risk by strictly following your doctor's instructions on how to take the medications.

While abuse of prescription medications can occur at any age, it often begins in adolescents or young adults.

Risk factors for the abuse of prescription medications include:

Addictions to other substances that occurred in the past or present, such as alcoholism and smoking.
A family history of substance use problems
Certain pre-existing psychiatric illnesses
Exposure to social pressure or a social environment where there is drug consumption.
Easy access to prescription medications, such as the presence of these medications in the home's medicine cabinet.
Lack of information about prescription drugs and their potential harm.
Older adults and prescription drug abuse
The abuse of prescription drugs in older adults is a growing problem, especially when they combine medications with alcohol. Older adults who have various health problems and take several medications may be at risk of taking medications inappropriately or becoming addicted.

The abuse of prescription drugs can cause some problems. Prescription medications can be very dangerous (and even fatal) when taken in high doses, when combined with other prescription drugs or certain over-the-counter medications, or when taken with alcohol or illegal or recreational drugs.

Medical consequences
Below are examples of the serious consequences of prescription drug abuse:

Opioids can cause low blood pressure, a slow heart rate and have the ability to stop breathing or cause a coma. Overdose has a significant risk of death.
Anti-anxiety medications and sedatives can cause memory problems and slow down breathing. Overdose can cause coma or death. Stopping a medication abruptly can cause withdrawal symptoms that include hyperactivity in the nervous system and seizures.
Stimulants can cause dangerously high body temperature, heart problems, high blood pressure, seizures or tremors, hallucinations, aggression and paranoia.
Physical dependence and addiction
Because prescription drugs that are often misused are activating the reward system of the brain, it is possible to develop physical dependence and addiction.

Physical dependence Physical dependence (also called tolerance) is the body's response to prolonged use. People who are physically dependent on a medication may need much higher doses to achieve the same effects and experience withdrawal symptoms by reducing or stopping the medication suddenly. Physical dependence can also become evident if a medication that the body adapts to over time is stopped suddenly, even without a dose change.
Addiction. People who are addicted to a drug may have physical dependence, but they also seek it compulsively and continue to use it even when it causes major problems in their lives.
Other consequences
Other possible consequences include the following:

Engaging in risky behaviors due to impaired judgment
Consume illicit or recreational drugs
Get involved in a crime
Car accidents
Impairment of academic or work performance
Problematic relationships
Prescription drug abuse can occur in people who need painkillers, sedatives or stimulants to treat a medical disorder. If you are taking a medication that is frequently abused, you can do the following to reduce your risk:

Make sure you are taking the correct medication. Make sure the doctor clearly understands your condition and the signs and symptoms. Talk to your doctor about all the prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, herbs and supplements you take, as well as about the use of alcohol and other drugs. Ask your doctor if there is any alternative medication with ingredients that have less potential for addiction.
Check with your doctor. Talk to your doctor regularly to make sure that the medication you are taking works and that you are taking the correct dose.
Follow the instructions carefully. Take the medications the way they prescribed them. Do not interrupt or change the dose of a medication on your own if it seems that it is not working without first talking to the doctor. For example, if you are taking a pain medication that is not adequately controlling your pain, do not drink more.
Know the effect of your medications. Ask the doctor or pharmacist about the effects of your medication, so you know what to expect. Also find out if other drugs, over-the-counter products or alcohol should be avoided when taking this medication.
Never use another person's recipe. We are all different. Even if you have a similar illness, it may not be the right medication or dose for you.
Do not buy prescription drugs online, unless they are from a reliable pharmacy. Some websites sell counterfeit prescription and over-the-counter medications that could be dangerous.
Prevention of prescription drug abuse by adolescents
Prescription medications are substances generally misused by young people. Follow these steps to help prevent your teen from abusing prescription drugs.

Talk about the dangers. Emphasize to your teenager that the fact that the medications have been prescribed by a doctor does not make them safe, especially if they were prescribed to third parties or if your child already consumes other prescription medications.
Establish rules. Let your child know that it is not OK to share medications with third parties or to take prescription medications from third parties. Emphasize the importance of taking the prescribed dose and talking with the doctor before making changes.
Talk about the dangers of drinking alcoholic beverages. The consumption of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with medications may increase the risk of an accidental overdose.
Keep prescription medications in a safe place. Keep track of quantities and keep medications in a locked cabinet.
Make sure your child is not ordering medications online. Some websites sell dangerous and counterfeit medicines that may not require a prescription.
Discard medications in the proper way. Do not leave unused or expired medications out there. Check the patient information leaflet or guide for instructions on how to dispose of them, or ask the pharmacist for advice.

The importance of physical activity and Importance of physical fitness and exercise for health

The importance of physical activity
Although in society the idea that "old age does not arrive alone" or in front of some ailment is repeated, the phrase "are the aches and pains of old age" is repeated again and again, maintaining the quality of life as they pass. Years are possible through the adoption of healthy habits, where physical activity has a preponderant role.
March 22
Third Age
Popular newspaper

At any age, regular physical activity produces enormous health benefits; but in the third age it is fundamental to prevent or reduce the advance of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, among others.

Despite the large number of scientific studies that show the advantages of physical activity in this stage of life, most of the elderly do not participate in them. And there are several prejudices that play in that sense.

To counteract this trend, the Regional Guide for the Promotion of Physical Activity "ProMover, A Lifestyle for Older Adults", the Pan American Health Organization and the Regional Office of the World Health Organization explain about the importance of staying active in old age, the benefits and barriers and myths to overcome.
The advantages

"The benefits of physical activity are well documented, there is evidence that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the highest modifiable health risks for many chronic conditions that affect older people, such as hypertension, heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, diabetes, cancer and arthritis ", is highlighted in the report.

Likewise, increasing physical activity, in any of its forms-daily activities, such as regular and rhythmic walking, housework, dance, exercise-after 60 years "has a significant positive impact on these conditions and on well-being. general ", adds.

In this framework, it is clarified that not only gains in physical health, but also in psychological to improve "quality of life, mental health, give more energy and less stress, better posture and balance and a more independent life."

Meanwhile, with regard to social advantages, "the reduction in health costs and in the burden for the caregiver" is indicated.

The myths

However, there are several myths that play against the realization of physical activity in old age. In this regard, the document lists:

.- Myth 1: You must be healthy to exercise: False. Physical activity can improve the quality of life for most elderly people and can be the most effective for people with chronic diseases.
.- Myth 2: Too old to start exercising: False. Physical activity is beneficial for all ages, including people 90 years and older.
.- Myth 3: Special clothes and equipment are needed: False. You can exercise safely and effectively with comfortable shoes and everyday clothing.
.- Myth 4: There is no achievement without pain: False. Physical activity does not need to be arduous or exhausting to obtain health benefits.
.- Myth 5: Too busy to do physical activity: False. It can be incorporated into daily activities such as walking when doing shopping, doing housework and participating in leisure activities such as dancing.

Box: The benefits

Regular physical activity reduces and prevents several diseases related to the aging process:

.- Cardiovascular system: improves myocardial performance; increases the contraction capacity of the heart muscle; increases aerobic capacity; improves the resistance; among other benefits.

.- Obesity: decreases abdominal adipose tissue; increases muscle mass; reduces the percentage of body fat.

.- Glucose: increases tolerance to glucose.

.- Osteoporosis: retards the decline in bone mineral density; increases bone density.

.- Muscles: reduces the risk of skeletal muscle disability; improves strength and flexibility.

.- Psychological: improves well-being and satisfaction.

.- Functional capacity: reduces the risk of falls due to an increase in balance, strength and flexibility; decreases the reaction time; maintains cerebral irrigation.
Importance of physical fitness and exercise for health

Having a good physical fitness allows us to efficiently perform our daily activities, while physical exercise, allows us to maintain or improve our physical form.

We talk about physical exercise when we plan, structure and repeat the physical activity we perform in order to maintain or improve the components of our physical form.

 We refer to physical fitness as the ability of our body to perform efficiently, delaying the onset of fatigue and reducing the time necessary to recover various physical activities, resulting in the proper functioning of our organs, devices and systems.

 Having a good physical fitness allows us to carry out our daily activities efficiently, without getting too tired, and still maintain enough energy to enjoy hobbies and face unexpected emergencies.

 Our physical fitness is closely related to the following characteristics:
 - The tasks we can perform.

 - The ability we have to make a physical effort.

 - The quality of our body in terms of its adaptation status in both normal and extremely unfavorable environmental conditions.
Different factors that determine our physical fitness:

 Human beings are not perfect, and this includes our physical fitness. We can constantly find in our physical, social or biological environment any factor that affects the degree we could reach physical fitness. Some of these factors are the following:

 - Age.
- Heritage
- Sex
- Lifestyle.
- Ambient.

 The importance of physical exercise
Physical exercise produces important changes in the personality, such as emotional stability, self-esteem, extroversion, also improving the perception of oneself.

 With regard to depression, in different research studies it has been possible to confirm an antidepressant effect of the exercise. Physical exercise, therefore, is an important therapeutic element in mild or moderate depression.

By improving mental function, autonomy, memory, speed and sense of well-being, there is stability in the personality characterized by optimism, euphoria and mental flexibility.

Physical activity programs for health
When we talk about physical activity in terms of health, we must take into account the main physical qualities that we must incorporate in each class.

General resistance, muscular strength, body flexibility, coordination and balance should be stimulated systematically and permanently.

Each of these qualities requires adequate time, progression and frequency.

In addition when we work with groups of adults these are usually heterogeneous, which forces the teacher to diagram the class device so that each student can exercise according to their possibilities. We must avoid mass classes where everyone makes the same effort and with the same intensity. That is why we say that education is an art since in each class these aspects must be combined in a cheerful and fun environment and that regardless of their physical condition everyone improves their physical fitness in a progressive and controlled manner.

It is important to know that physical activity classes for health should be guided and conducted by physical activity professionals.

The human body is designed to be in motion. In simple words, physical activity refers to the performance of all those tasks in which the body uses energy, such as walking, gardening, doing the super, climbing stairs, playing sports or dancing all night.

To benefit health, it should be carried out with an intensity that goes from moderate to vigorous. By performing vigorous exercises we can obtain better results in half the time it would take us to do it with a moderate performance. The simple fact of moving and doing simple things like shopping, or walking casually, is not enough for health effects, because this does not increase the heart rate.

Many times this concept is confused with that of Physical Exercise, but we must make the difference in that this last term is based on a Physical Activity that follows a repetition, a planning or an approach towards improving a part of our body and strengthening our conditions physical

The benefits of performing a regular Physical Activity are based on the following advantages that we list, among others:

Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
Increase calorie consumption even up to 30 minutes after the activity is done
Contrary to what is thought, reduces appetite
A physical activity accompanied by a diet with fewer calories helps to lose body fat by up to 98%
However, these benefits can be counterproductive due to an excess of physical activity in a short time and suddenly, causing cellular and physical wear and tear, as well as a greater possibility of contracting diseases by affecting the Immune System.
Combat sedentary lifestyle
According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is the fourth risk factor for death worldwide and is the main reason for diseases such as breast and colon cancer, diabetes and ischemic heart disease.

In contrast to the development of a moderate and frequent Physical Activity, we have Sedentary, being just a low or no exercise of movements in everyday activities, causing a lot of diseases and diseases.

A person with a sedentary lifestyle is prone to
• Have cardiovascular diseases.
• Get type 2 diabetes.
• Increase your cholesterol levels.
• Have high blood pressure.
• Having a heart attack.

That is why people who lead a sedentary life also have a greater tendency towards discouragement, have a frequent feeling of discomfort and tend to have a low resistance to fatigue, often feeling fatigued and with low resistance to different activities.

Maintaining physical activity on a regular basis can generate very positive changes for our lives. People of all ages, sizes, complexions and abilities can benefit as we have previously observed, and we now mention other aspects to consider:

• Increase life expectancy.
• Strengthens self-esteem.
• Reduces the chances of falling into some type of depression.
• Help to sleep better.
• Facilitates mobility.
• Strengthens bones and muscles.
• Help reach and maintain an adequate weight.
• It is a way to socialize soundly.

Activity-Physical-3 Physical activity and nutrition work together to improve health and with it the quality of life. It is also important because as we age the metabolism slows down, so to maintain a balance of energy we need to move more and feed intelligently.

The activities that favor us most
As we mentioned before, it's not just about being in movement. The frequency and above all certain types of activities help us more than others to maintain our health.

Aerobic exercises demand that we breathe more and make our heart stronger. Those that are of vigorous intensity require more effort than the moderate ones.

The activities that involve muscular work such as push-ups and lifting weights make us stronger. It is important to work on all parts of the body such as the legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders and arms, to obtain a better result. On the other hand, it is also important to perform exercises that strengthen the bones and promote growth, especially in children and adolescents. Finally, stretching activities improve physical stability and flexibility, which reduces the risk of injury. Examples are dance, yoga, martial arts and tai chi.

Myths around physical activity
Sometimes we think that being physically active is very expensive, because we need special clothes and equipment, or certain types of sports facilities. The truth is that it can be done anywhere and without the need for equipment. Simple things like walking or running are feasible almost anywhere.

Another common pretext may be the lack of time, however specialists say that dedicating a minimum of 30 minutes a day 5 days a week is more than enough.

Finally, age is not an obstacle either. Physical activity is necessary for people of all ages, from the youngest to the elderly.

Physical training: elements of a complete routine PHYSICAL TRAINING

The physical condition is the ability to perform physical efforts with vigor and effectiveness, delaying the onset of fatigue (fatigue) and preventing injuries. However, having a good physical condition does not consist in being a super athlete, but in developing the capacities and physical qualities to carry out successfully the physical activities in which you participate.

The physical condition of a person is determined by a series of factors: some are variable and can be modified, others are invariable and do not allow to be modified.

Invariable factors are, for example, our genetics, age or gender. In the same way that genetics gives us a certain skin color, it also conditions the quality of our muscles, bones, tendons, etc. So some people are very flexible, others are strong, others are fast, others are very coordinated ... or quite the opposite.

In the variable factors we must talk about food, rest, hygiene ... and, above all, training. In this way we will be modifying our physical condition.

Therefore it is possible that a person with a very good genetic load has a bad physical condition because he does not take care of himself or train. In the same way, a person with a bad genetic load can get to have a good physical condition thanks to training, perseverance and effort.

Reflect a little: how do you think your physical condition is: good, bad or regular; why? How can you improve your physical condition? What does it mean to live with an active lifestyle; give some example?

Physical preparation or Training
Physical preparation, therefore, is the training that a person develops to be able to perform a certain activity. Through certain exercises and a healthy diet, an individual can "prepare" his body to face a certain challenge.

training systems
The training systems are a set of methods, activities and exercises that serve to develop the physical condition.

There are many classifications of these systems. One of them is the following one:

1. CONTINUOUS SYSTEMS: Are those that are performed without pause, continuously. For example: the race continues, the fartlek, the total training ...

Regardless of whether you are a beginner taking the first steps or a fan of exercise who hopes to optimize your results, a comprehensive physical training program is essential. Include these five elements to create a balanced routine.

Aerobic fitness
Aerobic activity, also known as cardiovascular or endurance activity, is the cornerstone of most physical training programs. Aerobic activity or exercise accelerates and deepens breathing, maximizing the amount of oxygen in the blood. The heart beats faster; This increases the blood flow to the muscles and back to the lungs.

The better your aerobic condition, the more efficient your heart, your lungs and blood vessels will transport oxygen throughout your body, and the easier it will be to perform routine physical tasks and face unexpected challenges, such as running to the car in torrential rain .

Aerobic activity includes any physical activity that uses large muscle groups and increases your heart rate. Try walking, jogging, biking, swimming, dancing, water aerobics, even raking leaves, shoveling snow and vacuuming.

For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends that you perform at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week, or a combination of moderate activity. and vigorous. The guidelines suggest distributing this exercise over the course of a week. You can even divide the activity into shorter periods of exercise and try to move more during the day. Any amount of activity is better than none.

You can also try training at high intensity intervals, which consists of alternating short periods of intense activity (around 30 seconds) with subsequent recovery periods (around three or four minutes) of lighter activity. For example, you can alternate periods of vigorous walking with periods of leisurely walking, or include trotting bursts on vigorous walks.

Muscle strengthening
Muscular fitness is another key component of a physical training program. Muscle strengthening can help you increase bone strength and muscle fitness, as well as control or lose weight. It can also improve your ability to carry out everyday activities. Try to incorporate muscle strengthening exercises of the main muscle groups in an exercise routine at least twice a week.

Most fitness centers offer various resistance machines, dumbbells and other tools for muscle strengthening. However, you do not need to invest in gym membership or expensive equipment to take advantage of the benefits of muscle strengthening.

Dumbbells or homemade dumbbells, such as plastic soda bottles filled with water or sand, can be just as effective. Resistance bands are another economic option. Your own body weight also counts. Try push-ups, barbell traction, sit-ups and squats.

Exercises that work the middle zone
The muscles of the abdomen, back, and pelvis, which are known as the "trunk muscles," help protect the back and connect the movements of the lower and upper parts of the body. The strength of the middle zone is fundamental in a comprehensive training program.

The mid-zone exercises help train the muscles to strengthen the spine and allow you to use the muscles of the lower and upper parts of the body more efficiently. What is considered an exercise in the middle zone? An exercise in the middle zone is any exercise in which the trunk is used without support, such as bridges, plates, abs and Swiss ball exercises.
Balance exercises
Balance exercises can help you maintain balance at any age. It is usually recommended, for older adults in particular, to incorporate exercises to maintain or improve the balance of the training routine. This is important because the balance tends to deteriorate with age, which can lead to falls and fractures. Balance exercises can help older adults prevent falls and maintain their independence.

However, all people can benefit from balance exercises, as they can help stabilize the trunk muscles. Try to stand on one leg for longer and longer periods to improve stability in general. Activities like tai chi can also improve balance.

Flexibility and stretching
Flexibility is an important aspect of the physical state; therefore, it is a good idea to include stretching and flexibility exercises in your training program. Stretching exercises help increase flexibility, which can facilitate many daily activities that require this skill.

Stretching can also improve the range of motion of the joints and promote better posture. Regular stretching also helps relieve stress and tension.

Consider stretching after exercising, when the muscles are warm and more receptive to stretching. However, if you want to stretch before training, first warm up the muscles by walking or exercising for 5 to 10 minutes.

The ideal is that you stretch whenever you do a physical activity. If you do not exercise regularly, you could do stretching exercises at least two or three times a week after heating to maintain flexibility. Activities such as yoga also promote flexibility.

It covers all aspects
Whether you build your own physical training program or ask for help from a personal trainer, your general exercise plan should include several elements. Try to incorporate aerobic physical activity, muscle strengthening, trunk exercises, balance training, and flexibility and stretching exercises to your exercise plan. It is not necessary that each exercise session includes all these elements, but if you incorporate them into your regular routine, they will help you to improve your physical condition for a lifetime.
2. FRACTIONED SYSTEMS: They are those that divide the training load into parts and with recovery pauses between them. For example: interval training and repetition systems.
3. MIXED SYSTEMS: Are those that combine characteristics of the previous two. For example, the circuits.


It consists of running at a uniform pace and with a moderate intensity, without stopping, during a certain time.
Light intensity effort (between 70% and 85% of the maximum heart rate -FCM-, which corresponds to approximately 140-170 beats / minute).
· Steady pace.
· No pauses.
· There is no oxygen debt (the contribution of O2 by breathing compensates the expense produced).
· Develop aerobic resistance.
· It is an ideal method for the maintenance and improvement of the physical condition of any person.
· Example: run for 30 'without stopping, at 145 beats / minute.
The race continues in turn, can be:
Race continues slow or trot (described above)
Medium continuous race (more than 170 p / m). Anaerobic resistance would also develop.
Fast continuous race (more than 180 p / m). Anaerobic resistance would also develop.


It consists of continuous race, interchanging changes of rhythm.
The pace is not constant, the intensity of the race varies (accelerations, decelerations ...).
The level of effort will depend on the changes in rhythm that are made.
There may be oxygen debt (there are times when the intensity of the race is high).
There are no breaks.
Develop aerobic and anaerobic resistance.
Example: 10'free continuous race + 3 'progressive + 5'free continuous race + 1' race at maximum pace + 5 'smooth continuous race + 2' race at maximum pace. (Total work time: 26 ').
It consists of mixing the continuous race, the fartlek and gymnastic exercises (in which all physical qualities can be worked).
 Alternating continuous running, accelerations and decelerations (rhythm changes) and gymnastic exercises.
· The rhythm is not constant, since the intensity varies depending on the part that is being performed.

· There are no breaks.

· There may be oxygen debt (at

Main causes and treatments for kidney pain

The pain in the kidneys can indicate different health problems, such as changes in the functions of the kidney itself, infections or spinal problems, which can cause different symptoms such as pain, changes in the color of urine and burning when urinating.

The treatment of pain is done according to the cause of the problem, which may include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, rest and massage.

Main causes and treatments for kidney pain
Main causes of kidney pain
Here are the main causes of kidney pain and what to do to alleviate and treat the problem:

1. Stones in the kidneys
The presence of stones in the kidneys causes the appearance of intense pain that can radiate to the belly or to the genital organ, it can also cause pain when urinating and urine pink, red or brown, due to the presence of traces of blood. See more about kidney stones.

How to treat: The treatment is done according to the type of stone formed, which may include the use of analgesics, alterations in food or laser treatment, which breaks the stones into smaller pieces, facilitating the elimination of urine.

2. Infection
The symptoms of infection in the kidneys are strong and deep pain in the back, pain and burning when urinating, frequent urination and urine with strong odor. In some cases, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting may also occur.

How to treat: Drink plenty of water to help eliminate the microorganism that causes pain and use antibiotics, under the guidance of a general practitioner or a urologist.

3. Cystic cyst or kidneys
The symptoms of the presence of cysts in the kidneys only appear when the cyst is already large, causing pain, bloody urine, high blood pressure and frequent urinary tract infections.

How to treat: The treatment should be recommended by a nephrologist and can be done with the use of medications, when the cyst is small, or through surgery that is done to remove the larger cysts.
4. Hydronephrosis
It is the swelling of the kidney due to the accumulation of urine, causing deep pain in the back, urine with blood fever and chills.

How to treat: You should go to the doctor to remove accumulated urine and identify the cause of the problem, which may be kidney stones, severe urinary infection or the presence of a tumor in the kidneys.

5. Thrombosis or ischemia of the renal vein
It is when enough blood does not reach the kidney causing cell death and pain. It is similar to what happens in the ACV or when you have a heart attack.

How to treat: Only medical examinations can detect the problem, and treatment can be done with the use of drugs or surgery, depending on the seriousness of the problem.

6. Injuries and blows
Injuries and blows to the back, especially at waist level, can cause inflammation and pain in the kidneys.

How to treat: Place a bag of hot water on your back and rest, and you can also use analgesics. If the pain persists, you should seek medical help.

7. Cancer
The pain caused by kidney cancer usually only appears in advanced stages of the disease, and is characterized by pain on one side of the belly and on the back, and blood in the urine.

How to treat: The treatment is done with a medical oncologist and depends on the stage in which the tumor is located, which may include surgery, cryotherapy, radiofrequency and the use of medications to relieve symptoms. Kidney tumors usually do not respond well to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Signs and symptoms of kidney problems
Point out the symptoms you have and know if you can have any kind of kidney involvement:

1. Frequent urination to urinate Yes
2. Urinating in a small amount Yes
3. Constant pain in the back or flanksYesNo
4. Swelling of the legs, feet, arms or faceYesNo
5. Itching all over the body YesNo
6. Extreme tiredness for no apparent reason Yes
7. Alterations in the color and smell of urine YesNo
8. Presence of foam in the urine YesNo
9. Difficulty sleeping or lower sleep quality YesNo
10. Loss of appetite or metallic taste in the mouth Yes
11. Feeling of pressure in the belly when urinating YesNo
Pain in the kidneys during pregnancy
Pain in the kidneys during pregnancy is usually caused by alterations in the spine, due to the effort that the pregnant woman makes due to the weight of her belly. It is rarely related to renal alterations, but in cases in which this pain is accompanied by symptoms such as painful urination, the gynecologist should be consulted to identify the cause of the problem and avoid complications.

To relieve the discomfort you can place a hot water bottle in the painful region and lie down in a comfortable chair, trying to keep your feet elevated. This position relieves pain in the back and deflates the feet because it promotes the circulation of the legs.

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to seek medical help whenever the pain in the kidneys is very strong, preventing the performance of normal routine activities, or when the pain becomes more frequent. Although there are many causes of kidney pain, it can also often be related to spinal problems, and therefore physiotherapy can also be a treatment option

All about toothache Remedies that work (and those that do not) for toothache

Who else, who less, everyone has ever suffered in their own flesh the well-known toothache.
It is a pain can be very intense and can lead to the need for rest because of the impossibility of enduring it.
 Dental pain is what you often do with going to the dentist, and the tooth is already an advanced injury in most cases.
 It usually occurs when the nerve is already affected. The dental pain is controlled with either antibiotic or anti-inflammatory medication, and the treatment varies depending on the affectation of the tooth.

In Propdental we explain everything about the symptoms and treatment of toothache. This is a very useful information for you to understand everything about this common dental pathology. As well as it will also help you to know everything that will help you avoid the appearance of dental pain.
 If you have a dental pain, you should go to your dentist without delay to be examined and, if appropriate, treat him / her promptly. Oral and dental pathologies without treatment and with the passage of time always get worse.
What is toothache?
What are the causes of tooth pain?
Symptoms of toothache
Diagnosis of toothache
What type of pulpitis or inflammation of the nerve is there?
Toothache What to take to relieve it?
What is the treatment for toothache?
Frequently asked questions about how to deal with a toothache
The prevention of dental pain is the best treatment
What is toothache?
It is a constant pain whose intensity increases. It is one of the most acute and intense pains you can have. Cold drinks, hot foods, or chewing can increase pain.

If a tooth hurts you should go as soon as possible to your dentist to determine the cause and establish the appropriate treatment for your particular case.
The dentist treats the pain of the molars according to the cause. Sometimes the origin is in the tooth, but in other cases the pain comes from other reasons that have to be found in the dental clinic.
 Because patients take time to go to the dentist, when they come with pain, in many cases it is necessary to do a root canal to try to save the tooth.
In other cases, toothache can be caused by different reasons. So the dentist does an exploration of your mouth and an x-ray to see what may be causing you pain and what is the most effective treatment to fix it.
 What are the causes of tooth pain?
The traditional toothache is caused mainly by pulpitis, known as the inflammation of pulp tissue.
 The dental pain is due to the involvement of the nerve of the tooth, and the most frequent cause is an advanced dental caries.
 The carious lesion allows bacteria to enter the tooth until it reaches the nerve, where the bacterial infection occurs.

Pulpitis can also occur due to trauma or other reasons such as wear of parts or endoperiodental lesions, although these cases are rare.

When the pulp is inflamed it exerts a pressure on the nerve of the tooth and the tissues around it.

Being surrounded by dentine, the cavity of the pulp can not dissipate this pressure and that is when the increase in blood flow caused by inflammation produces pain.

This can be manifested as a so intense and widespread toothache that sometimes it is difficult to know which is the original piece of it.

The most common causes of toothache are:

Dental caries.
Fracture of the tooth, dental fissure or traumatisms.
Diseases of the gums such as gingivitis and periodontitis.
A dental or periodontal abscess.
Diseases of the mandibular joint.
Symptoms of toothache
Toothache is a medical condition around the face and it mainly appears due to the dental problem. It can be manifested by constant pain in both the jaw, head and ear. The irritation of the dental nerve by an infection is frequently the source of the pain.

As a general rule, toothache is due to inflammation of the pulp of the tooth. A condition known as pulpitis that can be reversible or irreversible. As a general rule, the dental pain will be more intense when eating or drinking, especially when in contact with cold or hot substances.

At this time it is necessary to treat this problem because otherwise the pulp of the tooth will become infected. The infection of the pulp will cause a very intense, sharp and continuous pain, leading later to the formation of an abscess in the area.

Finally we could name some of the main symptoms of toothache, such as:

Chewing pain,
Sensitivity to both cold and hot food,
Bleeding around the tooth or gum,
And the swelling of the area and of the entire jaw.

Diagnosis of toothache
When you suffer a constant toothache it means that there is a dental problem. And for that reason it is convenient to go to your dentist for a personalized diagnosis that allows knowing the cause of the problem.

Although many times you think you know what the tooth is causing you pain, the nerves of the teeth send erroneous messages to the brain. So only your dentist can find the true cause of dental pain.

Through a clinical examination complemented with dental radiography it is possible to detect pathologies such as caries, fractures or other problems that may be the cause of pain.

What type of pulpitis or inflammation of the nerve is there?
We find two possible stages of pulpitis: reversible and irreversible.

The first involves pain and transient sensitivity caused by heat, cold, touch and sweet foods.

Dentists diagnose a reversible state when the pulp is still alive and it is possible to eliminate the irritating agent. Generally, the treatment of this type of toothache consists in the elimination of the caries and the corresponding restoration with a composite filling, the pulp will be healthy again and the pain will stop.

On the other hand, we consider that pulpitis is irreversible when the pulp is damaged and can not be cured. The associated symptoms are a persistent pain after exposure to cold or heat, but also a spontaneous pain for no apparent and constant reason. In this case, the treatment will be through endodontics and you can reach the extraction of the tooth when necessary.

Toothache What to take to relieve it?
Toothache according to the cause can be relieved with analgesic medication. However, normally and if there is infection, the analgesic has an increasingly shorter duration and it is necessary to take an antibiotic.

Usually when there is infection, the antibiotic most frequently used for toothache is amoxicillin. And clindamycin or pantomycin in people who are allergic to penicillin.

In this sense, we want to insist that you should not self-medicate. To know what is the most appropriate medication you should take to relieve toothache in your particular case, you should go to your dentist.

What is the treatment for toothache?
The treatment will depend on the pathology of the tooth. That is to say, if the tooth presents a decay, the decayed dental tissue must be eliminated and a composite filling must be made. If the caries affects the nerve it is necessary to do an endodontics and later to restore the tooth with an incrustation or dental crown. And finally we must say that if the state of the wheel has no solution will proceed to extract the tooth in a process known as exodontia.

Special emphasis must be placed on the importance of treating an infection as quickly as possible. Since not only are we facing one of the most intense pains, but there is also the possibility that this infection may spread.

Frequently asked questions about how to deal with a toothache
One of the main concerns of the patients of Propdental is to know what are the causes of toothache and in this sense it must be said that the causes are very diverse and depend on several factors.

As we have already advanced previously, it is necessary to highlight the inflammation of the pulp as one of the most frequent causes in the appearance of this pain, being a situation that occurs if there is a dental caries.

In addition to this it must be said that toothache can also appear after some dental treatments as an example after a dental obturation since this intervention makes it possible to irritate the pulp.

Finally we finish this list of causes talking about a series of general conditions that can be the cause of the appearance of toothache being abscesses, ulcers or sinusitis.

Some of these examples as well as it should be noted that teething in babies or children can be another cause of toothache.

The most frequently asked questions that people with some type of dental pain usually have.

Toothache usually affects the nerve. The dental pain is controlled with medication and the treatment varies depending on the affectation of the tooth.
Very intense tooth pain

I went to the dentist for a small cavity, it did not hurt, the dentist told me that I had to do a root canal.
In the second consultation, before the reconstruction, my tooth began to hurt a lot.

I'm on antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and 10 mg diazepam. I have been like this for days and it does not improve. I do not know what to do.
Sometimes I have to reinforce all this with tramadol because the rest does not do anything to me. While the inflammation is increasing along with the pain.

What I can do?


It is not usual what happens to you because of it, my recommendation is that you go without delay to an endodontist so that he will value you correctly and if necessary, try.

Pain after extraction of molars

I extracted the third molars and today I have an intense pain accompanied by a bad taste in my mouth. At times, a liquid with a strong flavor oozes.

The analgesic that I am taking has an effect each time of less hours. I have already washed the area carefully, although apparently in the cavities it seems to be traces of trapped food.


Both the inflammation as well as the discomfort after a tooth extraction is normal and can be maximum between 24 and 72 hours. After this period of time, both processes should be sent with the passage of days. If not, you should go to your dentist to rule out an infectious process in the treated area.

Hygiene by brushing is very important and key to proper healing after dental extractions.

After 24 hours of the treatment, the treated area should be carefully brushed with a soft toothbrush after each meal to avoid the accumulation of food residues in it, which could originate or result in an infectious process.

In addition, you should not smoke if you have this habit, as this will lead to a significant delay in the healing process and an increase to suffer an infection.

My tooth broke and the antibiotic does not take effect

I consult because my tooth broke and they have not been able to remove it and I have an intense dental pain.

I'm taking antibiotic and anti-inflammatory but it does not work for me.

What else can I take to mitigate the pain?


This tooth should be removed quickly, or else the pain will not stop completely (it is not a matter of taking more or less medication).

Antibiotics begin to show their effect after 72 hours or three days from the start of administration.

Toothache due to infection that is constant and unbearable?

Since this morning I have a constant and unbearable toothache, it hurts me to swallow saliva.

I have a headache and with slight symptoms of fever to which I add that it hurts even to open my mouth.

And the part of the wheel leaves as a kind of liquid with a bitter taste.

I went to the dentist and told them to take an ibuprofen, but they told me that it is not convenient to take medication without a prescription.

I am taking antibiotics from the toothache and the pain continues. How many days are of medication?

Tomorrow I have a high school and I do not know what to do, if I go to the dentist, or if I have to pass a little.


You must follow the guidelines prescribed by your dentist. And as he has advised you, you should not self-medicate.

The antibiotic will start to take effect immediately and the discomfort should go down in a few days.

Then you must go to your dentist to treat the tooth, otherwise the pain will return.

A cordial greeting and we remain at your disposal.

Red ball behind the tooth and it hurts?

I have a little red ball behind the lower left side of the tooth and it hurts.

The pain is so much that I can not chew that side of anything.

I'm worried, it looks very red and I do not know what to do.


This little ball that you comment could be an abscess that is an exteriorization of an infectious process that will cause great discomfort or pain and inflammation.

You should go to your dentist as soon as possible to treat the infectious process and if possible try to save the tooth.

Can a tooth be extracted if I am in pain?

I started with a tooth pain and I would like to know if with this pain, the dentist can treat me.

Either extracting the tooth or making a filling.


You should go to your dentist as soon as possible.

Not only to establish the treatment you need to perform as well as to advise you what medication you should take to reduce pain.

It could be that the dental pain that you have is caused by a decay that has affected the dental nerve.

Should I get a tooth out if I have no pain at the moment?

My dentist did an x-ray for a toothache and says he should take it out.

At this time I have no pain and since I did not explain the reason for the extraction, I doubt this treatment.

What should I do?


A tooth should be removed when there is no possibility of treatment.

And in your particular case, if I advise your dentist, you should not delay in its extraction.

Although it does not hurt now either because you have taken medication. If you did not treat the source of the pain, the tooth will hurt again.

Some causes may indicate tooth extraction are:

Dental fracture up to the radicular level.

Sub-gingival caries that are impossible to fill.

Large infectious processes or cysts.

Cariada stone that began to hurt me to the ear?

I have a decayed tooth and recently my tooth started to hurt and then my right ear began to hurt. Is that normal or not?

I have tried to stop the pain with everything, ibuprofen, paracetamol and one that they gave me.

My question is if is the earache normal and why does it happen and what do you recommend to take?

The caries in your case in particular, has affected the dental nerve safely.

And this process has derived or originated an infection that is causing the earache.

This infectious process should be evaluated and treated promptly by your dentist, as it can seriously affect not only your dental and oral health, but also affect your general health.

You can not and should not delay your visit with your dentist.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

The medication is not a treatment in itself, but this is a tool that in any case will allow us to perform the treatment that is required.
Did I have to go for a puncture because the dental pain did not subside?

My tooth started to hurt and I went to the doctor and they sent me antibiotics and analgesics.

To the days I had to go to puncture me because the pain of teeth did not subside.

I've been on a fair week with the pills and sometimes I feel discomfort, it's not pain, but it's a rare sensation.

I do not know what to do and I'm starting to scare.


At this moment, in which the infectious load has slightly remitted, the estimated dental treatment should be carried out, otherwise, the infection and pain that are recurrent will return.

Do not delay your visit with your dentist.

Did a filling that fell out of me start to hurt?

A month ago I fell the filling of a tooth, for some reason and because it did not hurt I did not take care of it.

Yesterday it started to hurt a lot and I went to the dentist. He gave me an appointment for the extraction.

The fact is that I can not stand the pain anymore, I can not eat, and when I talk it hurts.

They give me stitches up to my chin and last night I had to go to the emergency room and they injected me.

Talk to the dentist and he will extract my tooth tomorrow. It is dangerous?


Your dentist will know if it is possible to do the treatment or extraction of the tooth.

Or if it is not possible, he will give you a medication that helps control the pain and infection in order to allow the extraction in a few days.

All the molars hurt on one side of my mouth

I have had a toothache for 4 days on the upper right side, all the teeth on that side hurt.

I do not have inflamed gums, I'm just very cold. Can it be a cold product or should I visit the dentist?


A cold does not cause a toothache.

The pain must be in one of the teeth and irradiate to the whole area on that side.

You must visit your dentist to make a diagnosis of the cause of the pain that you describe and can advise you on your treatment.
Pain in a crowded tooth?

For a few days I have been suffering from a pasty tooth from last year. Yesterday my dentist did a reconstruction cleaning the area because I had some cavities infiltrated in the old filling.

The point is that the pain persists. It is a pain that comes in waves.

Not progressively, but suddenly and very sharply.

It goes up even to the temple and the eye area.

Is it normal for me to keep hurting even though they treated me yesterday?

Can it be due to something else even outside the dental?


The pain in the impacted tooth may derive from an occlusal frame. This happens, for example, when the filling is too high and when the teeth close, it hits prematurely, overloading the periodontal ligament.

Another cause is that the filling is very deep and this is causing an inflammation of the nerve, causing a pulpitis.

As you can see, the pain that you have sporadically can originate for several reasons. For this reason, I recommend that you go back to your dentist and that he will value you and make a diagnosis at the dental clinic.

Does a tooth hurt when I chew with it and when I drink cold liquids?

I have a problem for about half a year and that is that I have a tooth that hurts when I chew with it and when I drink cold liquids. It's a pain of about half an hour and it goes away, it's moderate at times, it hurts a lot and sometimes a little.

When I go to brush the teeth I see that on top of the tooth that hurts there is a kind of white inflammation. What can be treated please?


Surely this tooth has a caries that has reached the nerve, which also, in addition to causing discomfort to chewing and cold.

I originate an infectious process that has been externalized in the inflammation that you have and you comment on the gum (it is a dental abscess).

In a case like yours, you should go immediately to your dentist to plan the appropriate treatment for your particular case. An infectious and inflammatory process can not only affect your oral health, but also affect your overall health.

Pungent pain in a broken tooth and I can not even eat?

I have been suffering from pain in a tooth for 5 days. This one is broken and I can neither eat nor drink water because the pain is sharp. I'm taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, but it only relieves me at times. What can I drink?.


A medication regimen can never be prescribed without having done a clinical examination and a medical history before.

A broken tooth is an entrance of bacteria into the inside of it. Affecting both the nerve and the alveolar bone. This will cause an infectious and inflammatory process that, if not treated quickly, will cause irreversible damage to this tooth.

You should not delay your visit with your dentist anymore. Your dentist will explain what is the most appropriate medication to control the infection in your particular case.

And it will also explain what is the most recommended treatment according to the severity of your particular case.
Pain in a tooth because of a very strong infection?

2 weeks ago I started with pain in a tooth I went to the dentist, he gave me antibiotics, I finished them and I came back.

He told me that it is a very strong infection that sometimes a sample is taken and analyzed to give the right antibiotic.

Then a fistula formed on my palate at the side of the tooth with pain where according to it is draining everything bad, and the pain has not completely gone away.

I could not do anything, first by the infection, then by the fistula, and as the pain wants to return as intense as at the beginning.

What I do?


Your dentist will control the infection until it stops hurting and anesthesia can take effect.

That takes a couple of days and then will surely extract the tooth that has the fistula.

Pain from a fissure in the tooth?

A tooth hurts when I take something cold. At the base of it I have a kind of "crack" that is not visible.

When I touch it with my finger it hurts and it also hurts when I eat sweet products.


For what you comment could well be a fissure of the tooth that affects the enamel and dentin, since you notice sensitivity with stimuli such as sweet and certainly also cold.

It is convenient that you go to your dentist to assess the state and depth of the fissure and estimate what will be the best treatment.

An acute and chronic sensitivity in a dental piece can lead to a dental pulpitis or inflammation of the dental nerve, which can lead to the death of this and a pulpal necrosis (it would require a re-treatment treatment).

Pain in the jaw?

For a few months now I have a discomfort and pain in my jaw, on the left side, every time I yawn or open my mouth a lot.

Last night for certain reasons I was very cold and the pain was terrible, as I had never felt before.

I wanted to know what this could be due to and what the possible solution would be.

I do not know if I have a relationship but I mention, besides that I suffer constant headaches when my jaw bothers me a lot


You present a pathology of the TMJ or temporo-mandibular joint.

My advice is to consult with an ATM specialist. This can be derived or aggravated by the paralysis of bruxism or the act of squeezing or grinding the teeth.

Bruxism can cause joint pain, maxillary pain, pain and / or noise or "clicks" when opening and closing the mouth, cervical pain, headaches, dental wear, gingival retraction.

The treatment will consist in the majority of cases, in the realization and use, of a superior rigid discharge splint.

The discharge splint should be worn or used normally at night and it should also be checked and adapted periodically every six months.

My advice is that you do not delay your visit since this pathology can worsen with the passage of time.
Gum pain

I started last night with slight pain in the gum at the end of the last lower molar.

He did not look inflamed but when he touched his tongue it hurt a little so he took an anti-inflammatory.

All day I forgot I had no discomfort, but in the afternoon it started to hurt again.

And I see it a little inflamed, it does not come out neither blood nor liquid or anything.

What should I do? Is it possible that it is an abscess?


You must go to your dentist for it to review and treat depending on the source of gingival inflammation.

In pain and inflammation in the gum may be due to gingivitis or they may be discomfort of the eruption of the third molar.

To reduce inflammation of the gum you must maintain a proper tooth brushing and oral hygiene of the area.

A cordial greeting and we remain at your disposal.

Mouth pain that passes to my ear

I've had a pain in my mouth for a couple of days, which passes through my ear.

It starts in the molars, but it extends to the whole mouth.

It is a continuous pain that does not increase when I eat and brush my teeth, it relieves me and helps it to disappear.

It is especially annoying at night, I have no bleeding or anything like that when brushing.

I will go to the dentist as soon as I can, but now I am traveling and I would like to know what I can be doing by taking ibuprofen.


You could present an inflammatory and infectious process in a tooth.

It is important that you go as soon as possible to your dentist so that he can check you correctly.

Keep a scrupulous oral hygiene that will help reduce inflammation in the area.

Pain after a root canal

I finished an endodontics about a month ago and 2 weeks ago I started a pain in the tooth and teeth in front of that tooth.

It is like a pain in the lower left part of the jaw, besides the pain I derive to the nerve of the ear and the nerve of the neck causing in turn a cervical pain.

I went to my dentist and he told me that endodontics is fine, he gave me muscle relaxants. It's been 6 days since I've been taking them and I still have the same pain. That is, the dental pain has not happened to me, what could be happening to me?


It happens the same to me. I had a root canal on the lower jaw tooth. And now the nerve in the ear hurts and a point of the neck, just below the occiput.

Also right at that point I feel like a small hard lump, I do not know if it will be a cervical ganglion. I thought that doing the root canal and lowering the infection would improve, but I'm getting worse.


After the root canal treatment, pain is normal for a few days. However, if the pain after endodontics with referral you should see your endodontist as soon as possible.

A pain after the endodontics that does not subside after a few weeks may indicate the failure of the treatment.

Tail pain in pregnancy

I am pregnant and two days ago I have an impossible pain, my cheek got inflamed.

The wisdom tooth broke part of my gum and I can barely eat and open my mouth.

I do not know what to do since I am at rest until the day of delivery.


I am three months pregnant and the lower tailpiece is coming out.

Is it possible that I can extract it for my state?

I can not stand the pain, my gums are very inflamed, it hurts when I swallow and I can not even eat well.


Dental treatments in pregnancy should be done in the second trimester of pregnancy. The best thing if you are in the final phase of pregnancy, is to do the treatment after giving birth.

In cases of urgency your doctor can authorize the dental treatment or indicate a safe medication to palliate the pain.

The prevention of dental pain is the best treatment
The best treatment is always prevention, for this it is important that you have a good oral hygiene technique. And also, to prevent dental pain you should make regular visits to your dentist.

Visit your dentist regularly can allow early diagnosis of caries or other diseases before they cause pain.

In conclusion, we find an oral pathology that is aggravated by inaction and that can lead to an irreversible problem. Therefore, at Clínicas Propdental we recommend carrying out a periodic review with the dentist.

Your dentist can anticipate the onset of pain, prevent infection and stop any dental disease in a timely and effective way.

If you have any doubts about dental pain you can consult with the dentists of the Propdental Clinics in Madrid, Barcelona and Badalona.